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Iran Can't be Next

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Despite the fact that not a syllable of truth has ever been uttered by the Bush regime, they still insist on using lies to try to foist their plans of insanity on the American people and the world. Watching Douglas Feith squirm under the questioning of Chris Wallace on Fox News was pure delight. Tommy Franks, General, U.S. Army, (Ret.) once insinuated that Feith was the stupidest person he'd ever seen.

Now, the Crazies are trying to cobble together new, and ill constructed falsehoods to justify attacking Iran. But perhaps, there are a few things that folks ought to know before they go jumping on their high, righteous horse against "terrorism." Perhaps if Americans recognized the absurdity of the crap foisted by the George and company before Iraq, there'd be many people still alive, including Americans.

First, Iran produces a great deal of Oil that the rest of the world depend on. If Iran stopped producing, the world's supply of oil would, for the first time since this Bush calamity began, would would actually be reduced by a notable amount.

In Iraq, this was not the case despite the feigned concern by the US Majors that the massive price increases they treated the American people to were due to ME (Middle East) instability. Well, the ME is more unstable now than ever and yet the Majors are receiving record profits, and the prices have decreased demonstrating the fraudulence of this mea culpa.

The US is now accusing Iran of a nuclear weapons program that it has absolutely no evidence whatever exists. Further with the behavior of a rogue regime such as the Bush Cartel, only fools wouldn't attempt to arm themselves to deter (if possible) the madness that these "Crazies" are allowing the American people to pay for.

The Bush losers are now claiming that Iran is sending new and improved Individual Explosive Devices (IEDs) to Iraq despite the lack of a single neutrino worth of evidence to shore up this lie. The US never got around to securing the borders of the former Republic of Iraq. Despite this enormous tactical gaff, there has been no evidence found anywhere to support the bilious trash the Bush hominids are expectorating.

Israel, the second rogue nation in this mess, and one of the prime reasons for it, has decided that it will use nuclear weapons if attacked by Iran. Clearly the statements made by the Iranian President about causing some changes in ME maps with reference to the annihilation of Israel were ill advised. Threatening lunatics generally is, however the Russians are becoming increasingly angry at the behavior and statements wafting out of the White House and Israel. If they decide to take a hand, we could very well be on the edge of a third world war, and one of nuclear proportions to boot.

It is also clear that the democrat control of the Congress is unlikely to produce any change in this damnable mess. It would be foolish in the minds of most thinking people to hope the Russians will stand idly by whilst the US attacks Iran.

And then what? Who's next on The Bush list? Venezuela? The US governments within governments have already demonstrated they have no compunction about carrying out terrorism funded by drug money received from drug sales within the United States. The best example would be the Contras, terrorists in every known definition including the US Government's.

Let's not forget the sales of Hawk Missles systems and such to the Iranians who, by the by, have quite a few US F-14 Tomcats that they have procured parts for from the US "backdoor." Not to mention other countries. The Iranians do have well trained and well equipped armed forces. They do have a fine Air Force, Navy, and Ground forces. Put simply, they are easily more than a match for the US.

Eventually, after considering the real history of the US, the decision whether or not the Republican Party is, in fact, a criminal element in US society is going to have to be entertained. These times are certainly the worst in US history, and likely to worsen soon. But the Republicans have been lying their collective ass off for a century. They've caused a world wide monetary and economic catastrophe which may see the downfall of the US Dollar, a calamity the United States cannot survive.

Endless wars for oil, many more taxpayer dollars to pay for them. The world is, with ever increasing velocity, backing their own currencies with Euros and abandoning the US dollar. Even in world oil markets which historically have always been dabbled in with US dollars. Sadly, the US dollar isn't backed by anything more than the President's word and a handshake since Richard Nixon removed the dollar from the Gold Standard, not that he was the first.

The US can ill afford another conflict militarily or economically. It is for these reasons, all other issues need to take back seat to the problem of ridding ourselves of the George W. Bush regime. If the US attacks Iran, there will be a blood bath unlike anything seen until now. US forces, all of them, are depleted and demoralized. If Bush is allowed to continue unchecked, we are most certainly seeing the final days of the United States of America.
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Mr. Bohne is a clockmaker and activist. He HATES the US Government, and without stretching the truth (reality) will do anything to dig up dirt on any of these bastards, as long as it's REAL dirt. "the first man to raise his fists, is the first (more...)
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