Sadly, the America people have yet to reach a point when they will tolerate no more of this obvious fraudulent regime. They have made every effort to silence any and all data coming from Iraq and Afghanistan save that that is filtered through US Army censors. Further, though this regime has already bombed hell out of Al Jazeera and apparently had plans to do this again. Every non (in bed with) journalist wakes each day with no certainty of seeing the next. Not because of Iraqi fire, but from American fire. So desperate is this regime to keep a sorry theater going that it is willing to commit any sort of crime to foul the efforts of honest journalists whose only desire is to bring the truth out of these war torn, clearly failed states. To bring the truth of the historic crimes committed by US military, and American Multinational Corporations.
Secret prisons in Romania and Poland, Uzbekistan, and now North Africa. Of course, while not forgetting GITMO. This is the very behavior of depots such as Josef Stalin. Kangaroo courts that have no resemblance to real jurisprudence whatever. Even now, the regime is considering releasing Mr. Padilla after detaining this American citizen without consideration of the rights his citizenship allegedly guarantee him. Hundreds of these "prisoners" are being released as the regime finally realizes that just roaming the world kidnapping Arabs very likely won't stop terrorism. People who haven't seen their families in years just being tossed out with no ceremony whatever, not even an apology for the crimes committed against them. Crimes such as beatings, electrical shocks, food and sleep deprivation to mention only a few which by all definitions is clearly and undeniably torture, despite this rotten regimes pathetic attempts to "redefine" terms that already have accepted definitions, or making up terms and phrases and forcing new definitions to them.
One must go to sources like Al Jazeera and Dahr Jamil to find the truth about these fraudulent "free elections" that have to be heavily guarded by heavily armed men to maintain a basic sense of order. We know that the insurgency is of Iraqi people. People who have been bombed back to the stone age by America in a failed attempt to open the Caspian Sea oil region to the world. The trans-Afghan Pipeline, the Pipeline to the port at Aqaba and other projects.
Despite the regimes efforts to restrict truth from leaving the borders of Iraq and Afghanistan by any and all means available, it still flows steadily out. Now, only those who refuse enlightenment and those who profit from this nightmare are left on the side of the regime. Now we can only hope that some Democrat with the fortitude to do so, will file charges against the Bush regime via the articles of Impeachment. For God's sake, if the republicans can bring impeachment charges against former President Clinton for such a lame indiscretion as was committed with Lewinski, then Bush and his regime can CERTAINLY be charged with mass murder, defiling the Constitution, making a mockery of International Law and horrific crimes against the Human Race.
He has referred to the Constitution as a "Goddamned piece of paper," he has begun to drink again and has used sick behavior in the face of other officials, and clearly had to have known who the person who outed Mrs. Wilson was. The truth of 911 remains to be discovered and the REAL criminals brought to justice. Lying to congress as limpwristed as their behavior has been constitutes a felony, which the regime has done many times.
These people are genuinely a low form of hominid life. With all the crimes that are outed and vetted, and lies that are likewise, to see them as the architects of the WTC debacle becomes very easy. Further, the 28 pages redacted from the 911 report very likely will indicate that the alleged "hijackers" are still alive. It is sad in the extreme that many Americans must ALWAYS perceive someone else as responsible for the actions of their "government." But REAL history clearly demonstrates without ANY equivocation, the historic nature of such crimes as are seen today. This country began it's life with a persistent century long genocide against the Native People. I takes what it wants by force. It has never competed fairly in ANY markets then, or now. It was easy to walk all over other people for their goods and services then!, but now, countries like China, Taiwan and others have evolved to the state where they can compete with the US with ease, and to win as well. This fact may well be the sound of the "death knell" of American world superiority.
In any case, if America plans to save any portion of its former place at the world's table, this regime must be disbanded and brought to justice preferably in front of the International Criminal Court, if only in abstentia. If measures are not taken soon, we will all be destined to suffer the consequences of our collective arrogance. We will be just as guilty for all the criminal acts as the people in the government who committed them. Ignorance is no defense. Further, the means necessary to cure the ignorance exist now. With this fact in mind, ignorance can no longer be feigned.
The Constitutions clearly outlines the means to bring this regime to justice. So does the Declaration of Independence. It is time for us to declare our Independence again from tyranny. It is time to bring these criminals to justice. Righteousness demands it. The World demands it.
Ted Bohne is a Vietnam Vet, 51 years old, disabled, formerly a paramedic and adjunct faculty at Texas Tech University School of Medicine and tenured faculty at Odessa College, Odessa Texas.