Just when you think Bill O'Reilly could sink no lower, he shows us that there is never "low enough."
This past week Bill found it somehow palatable to spin the sad news that Tony Snow's cancer had reemerged into a hitjob on the left. Bill must have forgotten his http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,184331,00.html"> excoriation of Jimmy Carter for making a political comment in the midst of someone else's personal pain at Corretta Scott King's funeral or Paul Wellstone funeral organizers for "allowing a very solemn occasion deteriorate into a political rally."
Friday on the TV Factor, he and Michelle Malkin raked the Huffington Post's Roy Sekoff across the coals for actually having one of the 900 HP bloggers post an anti-Snow column that was up for eight hours. Then hit him for an attack on Snow by one of the thousands of commenters.
Thank God you don't have stuff like that happening on FreeRepublic.com or any other right wing site.
But it gets better (worser?). If using a "friend's" sickness as a political tool is not sick enough, Bill turned his weekly newspaper column on Snow into a partisan slam of Howard Dean and the Left.
The self-christened Culture Warrior (not to be confused with an actual "enlisting in the military" warrior) wrote that "When I examine the other side, the Bush-haters and far-left zealots, I compare them to Tony Snow. If I'm in a foxhole, if my life depends on another person, do I want Snow or Howard Dean?"
Besides the fact that it takes humongous balls and zero shame to not pass out from the smell within ten miles of this partisan tripe, I wonder if Bill would rather spend time in an actual war time in a fox hole with someone who served like "far-left zealot" John Murtha, or someone who somehow forgot to volunteer during Vietnam...say, like, I don't know...Bill?
Steve Young is the author of "Great Failures of the Extremely Successful" (www.greatfailure.com) and his column appears in the LA Daily News Sunday Opinion page...to the left of O'Reilly's...really.