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Play The Obama-Clinton Electoral College Challenge Game

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Stephen C. Rose
Message Stephen C. Rose
Play The Obama-Clinton Electoral College Challenge Game

I have given Obama 60+ votes more than he needs to win the required 270 electoral votes. Obama Victories are marked with a *.

Look down the list. Subtract all Obama wins you don't agree with.

Add states you think he will win.

See if your final total is more than 270.

If it is more than 2770, you and Barack WIN.

While you are at it, note that Hillary Clinton's argument about being a big state winner is utterly irrelevant. Obama will win them as easily as she would. And she would not win anything like the rest. Obama would.

I have NOT given Obama Florida. If you think I am being too pessimistic, add it in. You have around 60 votes you can jettison and still Obama will win.

If you have any question who the strongest Democratic nominee is, play with this game a while.

Total Electoral Vote: 538; Majority Needed to Elect: 270

Alabama 9
Alaska 3
Arizona 10
Arkansas 6
* California 55
* Colorado 9
* Connecticut 7
* Delaware 3
* D.C. 3
Florida 27
Georgia 15
* Hawaii 4
Idaho 4
* Illinois 21
Indiana 11
* Iowa 7
* Kansas 6
Kentucky 8
Louisiana 9
* Maine 4
* Maryland 10
* Massachusetts 12
* Michigan 17
* Minnesota 10
* Mississippi 6
* Missouri 11
Montana 3
Nebraska 5
* Nevada 5
* New Hampshire 4
* New Jersey 15
* New Mexico 5
* New York 31
North Carolina 15
North Dakota 3
* Ohio 20
Oklahoma 7
* Oregon 7
* Pennsylvania 21
* Rhode Island 4
South Carolina 8
South Dakota 3
Tennessee 11
Texas 34
Utah 5
* Vermont 3
* Virginia 13
* Washington 11
* West Virginia 5
* Wisconsin 10
Wyoming 3
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Born in NYC, attended Oberlin & Trinity Schools, then Exeter and Williams (Phi Beta Kappa 1958). Worked with the Reverend James Robinson, finished Union Theological Seminary in NYC (1961). Joined Student Interracial Ministry in Nashville. Founded (more...)
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