My friends, I am feeling such shock and outrage, I can't believe I have not come apart at the seams! I just read perhaps the most distressing thing I have ever read in the time I have been receiving email updates from
It seems that this week, the Senate is planning to, "quietly hold a vote that would pardon DUBYA for breaking the law by illegally wiretapping innocent Americans without warrants." This bill would "'...immunize officials who have violated federal law by authorizing such illegal activities,'" according to Senator Leahy.
What? This is so wrong, I can't even begin to fathom that it would gain any kind of real consideration. However, it is getting something akin to that. First of all, the fact that the bill "pardons" DUBYA tells me that those who sponsored the bill (Arlen Specter and Dick(LESS) Cheney) are admitting that the law was broken. Now, they want to effectively say that the law is without merit, and that they can pardon a criminal even before he is investigated, or put on trial.
What would Mr. Welch have to say about this present plan by the senate to allow a criminal to get off even before he's investigated or tried? I think he'd probably say the same thing, especially given the circumstances surrounding the illegal wiretaps of American citizens. Perhaps he'd say even more. We will never know, as Mr. Welch is dead.
However, I'd sure like to know what happened to decency. I'd like to know what happened to rule of law. I'd love to know how it is our federal government has come to such a sad state of existence. I'd love to know what it is abut DUBYA that makes him so frigging (I meant the other "F" word, but I didn't want to be too rude) special that he can get away with breaking the law whenever it suits him.
Please, I beg of each and every one of you, go to the link below and sign the petition! We have to stop this criminal from being pardoned for crimes which he hasn't been investigated or tried for as of yet. Further, since the language of the bill in question affirms that DUBYA did, in fact, break the law, then the Senate is OBLIGATED to write articles of impeachment, and begin the impeachment process.
If they don't, then I am sure that Joseph N. Welch is going to begin spinning in his grave! I'll ask myself, for Mr. Welch, and for every American who still believes in the rule of law.
Senators, have you no sense of decency, sirs, at long last? Has our country's governing bodies sunk to such a low that they would pardon a lawbreaker who has so heinously broken the law repeatedly? Would you actually consider pardoning a traitor, a man guilty of criminally negligent homicide, and a man also guilty of war crimes? Do you care nothing about the oaths you all swore on the bible; a book you presumably hold sacrosanct? Would you so wantonly slap your own god in the face, as well as every American who abides by the law, no matter how unjust or arbitrary it may be? Is this really and truly the message that you want to transmit to the world, that we in America will allow our elected officials to break the law and go unpunished? There is no defense that can be offered if you allow brazen criminal activity to go unpunished. Do you truly want to be the legislative body that effectively neutralizes the rule of law which is supposed to guide our land?
Never have I been so ashamed of being a citizen of a country that is supposed to be THE model for law and order. I am tired of being ashamed of my citizenship! For once, will you do the proper and decent thing? This is wrong, and you all know it! Have you left no sense of decency, sirs at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?
Please take the time to click on the link below and add your voice! We need to stop this now! The criminal DUBYA must PAY for his high crimes, misdemeanors, and out and out treason NOW!
Blessed be!