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Good Night Cindy Sheehan, Good Night America! A Message For Rahm Emanuel

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Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo
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Good Night Cindy Sheehan, Good Night America! A Message For Rahm Emanuel How the Democrats Picked up Their Skirts, Hitched up Their Trousers, Put Away Their Consciences, Grabbed Their Purses, Their Wallets, and Genuflected To The Money Changers Instead of To Our Sacred Documents. Good Night Cindy Sheehan, Good Night America! A Message For Rahm Emanuel. You, Mrs., Sheehan, are not alone in your anger at the betrayal of Americans by the Democratic Party. The influence of the same lost in space attitude that cost us the 2000-2004 elections is going to cost them the 2008 election. I shall not vote, nor give money to ANY candidate the Democrats put forward. Instead, I may just devote my writing, myself and my available funds to independent, peace candidates, who are dedicated to the Culture of Life, in all its manifestations. I salute you and your cause, and have empathy for you and share your pain. At this time, having failed to awaken in those who seek public office, any sense of morality, we are seeking not to bring about change through political support, but through abandonment and prayer and adhering to principles which embrace the Culture of Life, in ALL of it's respectful empathy with purity of land, water, air, human mind, body and soul. No death to any creature, living or with the potential to live shall be abandoned, and I am pledging myself to that cause beginning this summer. It would appear that we have been made fools of by those we trusted, and that reelecting any of them would be as large a mistake as electing a Fascist. It would also appear that in Senator Lieberman, for all of his evil intent, we have seen a Democrat who, though we may despise his direction and morality, at least told the truth about where he stood. We here are all saddened as much by the duplicity of the Democrats as by the fascism of the Republicans, as by your retirement Mrs. Sheehan. I am well aware of the "Secret" behind Nancy Pelosi's ill-advised stubbornness. Was it not, Rahm Emanuel who convinced the party to ride out the next 16 months, not rock the boat until there is no veto to overcome, and give Mr. Bush all the rope he can collect, and concentrate on money raising? Wasn't it his strategy to let Bush wallow in his war as his ratings continue their slide? Ill advised, is the most charitable thing I can say about that lame-brained idea. Meanwhile, however, PEOPLE are dying! Mr. Emanuel is concerned that an impeachment process would waste time and resources and might backfire. He fears that it might place the election in the background and kick up backlash. Mr. Emanuel's is the failure of discontinuous, and confused illogic. I happen to agree that Impeachment might back-fire, that it would drain time, split forces and cost money, but appointing an Independent Prosecutor would certainly not. The necessity is to get the Hun out of office before he invents a means to overcome the need for an election. If that is incorrect I apologize to him, but I see someone behind the massive error and everything points to him. Right now, there is a lackluster batch of candidates, whose best shot, has already run and lost, Ex-Senator Edwards. He has the interest of Progressive entrepreneurs, the brains and the money. Unfortunately, he also voted for the war. I do not believe that Senator Obama can or will win, and the reasons he will not win have little to do with race and more to do with the lack of seriousness of his platform candidacy and the rate at which some of his aids appear to be alienating voters and contributors. Too many Democrats will not vote for Senator Clinton. I believe and this is a prediction that the current front-runners will fade, and sometime around October Mr. Gore, after a high protein diet has allowed him to shed some weight, will run and he and former Senator Edwards or Clinton, will fight over who will adopt Senator Obama as a running mate. As for the impeachment business, versus a Special Prosecutor-the former is not feasible at this late date-the latter is the way to go, because it take the ball out of the hands of the congress and play in the background using up Republican money and the courts would become the arbiters rather than the Democratic congress. Mr. Emanuel, for all of his success as a fundraiser, has no clue as to what he is dealing with the Bushite fascists. He may raise enough money eventually and have a candidate to run, but by then it will be meaningless, the man, with his emphasis on cash, which is admittedly important, will have missed the meaning and reason for the importance of this election. He believes in a wait and see, attitude, don't rock the boat; give the voters nothing to get angry about. He thinks he is still running the Clinton election, where instead of rushing in to run in some state primary, he stalled out to raise the money that would outlast the other candidates, in that case a wise gamble. What the man cannot comprehend is that this is not 1992, or 1996 or even 2006. We are not merely trying to win an election, but must be rid of a tyrant before he takes control and cancels the election process! This is a race against time, not against money. The longer these fellows stay in office, the more the election will never happen. This isn't about merely winning an election, but winning back our liberty and saving our unique Sacred Documents The Bill Of Rights which had 90% of its statutes dissolved by the Military Commissions Act of 2006 and the Constitution, destroyed by the Bushite lunacy, will leave us with nothing of value and no one will care anymore, there will be nothing to care about. Mr. Emanuel is showing us what he cares about, MONEY$$$. He is like a doctor whose dying patient breaks his arm and the doctor, a surgeon is elated at the brilliant piece of surgery he did to restore the arm to full strength! He brags to the family about his success at saving the arm of a man, nonetheless, with 3 months to live. We need Impeachment or an Independent Prosecutor, the latter which I favor and will be the least costly in terms of time and face, or, and we need it now. The plans of the Bushites to overturn the election process are already in the making. Our heritage, the laws of our nation and its great experiment in Democracy, will all be gone, it will be too late to raise enough voters, who by then, will abandon a sinking ship of state and make plans about where to move to in order to have freedom once again. Without a Constitution or Bill of Rights, the money that was raised may have to be used by the candidates to run to another country and hide. In reference to our Constitution this is the 60th anniversary of an odd prophecy by Gödel, the great Physicist and Einstein's good friend, when he was going to take his citizenship exam in 1947 discovered what he described as a major, logical "flaw" in The Constitution, which, might be exploited at some future date, allowing the government to degenerate into tyranny and allow a dictator to arise rapidly. Later in 2008, when we have all departed to support whomever Independent candidates come, even if it means handing the next election over to the fascists again, Mr. Emanuel and the Democratic Party will have raised their hubris to match that of Mr. Bush's scoundrels, believing in the regressive retail policy, "Whom else have the voters got? They, will in the end, do as we wish." He has a lot to learn at least about this voter, I relish sending them all back to the cash register looking for votes which will not be there. This could be the largest loss they have seen since the Reagan days. Now they may feel the sting of defeat for their lies and misrepresentation. They have bought into the Tony Blair; sell out for a share of dynastic wealth at the expense of mothers of all nations and the slaughter of American and Iraqi, and soon Iranian, Syrian, Venezuelan, and then more American, children.

May the Good Lord, bless you from here forth, for now we are all a renegade prayer group, with God as our only refuge, outside of the realm and perfidy of Organized Religion, Mainstream Politics, MSM and Commerce. Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo Good Night And God Bless

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Professor Bagnolo has majored in: Cultural Anthropology, Architectural design, painting, creative writing. As a child prodigy, abed with polio for almost two years, he was offered an opportunity to skip three grades at age 8.
Later He was a (more...)
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