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Call For A 2007-2009, Independent Prosecutor/Counsel, Now!

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Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo
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Call For A 2007-2009, Independent Prosecutor/Counsel, Now! To Investigate And Prosecute Acts Of Treason And/Or Other Nefarious Criminal And Sundry Illegal Actions And Deeds To The U.S. Senate President Pro Tempore; U.S. Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, and the Speaker of the House, and U.S. House of Representatives Majority and Minority Leaders: We the Undersigned hereby request that the U.S. Senate President Pro Tempore; U.S. Senate Majority and Minority Leaders, and the Speaker of the House, and U.S. House of Representatives Majority and Minority Leaders introduce, and that the U.S. Senate and U.S. House of Representatives adopt, fund, and implement The 2007 Independent Prosecutor (Counsel) To Investigate And Prosecute Acts Of Treason And/Or Other Nefarious Criminal And Sundry Illegal Actions And Deeds under the authority of Article III (3) of the U.S. Constitution and other national, state and local laws against these United States of America by U.S. President George W. Bush, U.S. Vice President Richard Cheney, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and other John and Jane Does for planning and carrying out the acts of Treason and or other criminal actions and nefarious sundry illegal deeds as defined in Article III (3) of the U.S. Constitution and other statutes, laws and articles, of national, state or local, laws, by conspiring to carry out, carrying out and/or causing to be carried out an armed attack upon these United States on September 11, 2001, in the guise of a strategic deception operation, and/or numerous other assorted nefarious and illegal deeds. DETAILS The above shall investigate all actions separately and simultaneously, (including the airplane crash that killed Senator Wellstone and his family), the hiring of No-Bid Contractors in Iraq, New Orleans, at Walter Reed Hospital and elsewhere, assassinations in other nations as well as in the USA, and the treatment of prisoners taken since 9/11 or before, the prisons in which they are kept, their kidnapping and transport to a variety of prisons worldwide, their treatment, torture, and the suspension of their rights under the Geneva Convention. However, first and foremost, the illegal actions ala Iran Contra Affair, type of illegal, covert and overt operations, billions of missing dollars belonging to American Citizens and Citizens of Iraq! The building of mercenary armies belonging to corporations under the guise of security, but which are suspected of impending insurrection, murder, rape and other assorted felonies. The creation of an army of criminals under the guise of various US agencies/agents, the actions prior to and following the Katrina disaster, the Walter Reed "Privatization" and subsequent assorted financial dealings and profits by those companies so involved. The attempts to contact, finance and support Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations for the purposes of disruption, sabotage and other actions to provoke a World War, frighten US citizens into accepting what amounts to creating within and of the USA a vast prison and slave camp, ala Nineteen-Eighty Four, the novel by George Orwell for the purposes of world domination, financed by oil, energy and natural resource theft, for attempting to Imperialize a democracy into an Oligarchy (a nation, enslaved, controlled and run by and for the benefit of a handful of Wealthy, Fascist, private families), which create and manage private and National Mercenary armies to disrupt and terrorize American citizens and those of other nations to distract them from the covert and overt banditry of the wealth of nations starting with our own, which they have looted these last six years. These unfortunate events have come about as predicted by President General Dwight D. Eisenhower, who warned, back in the 1950's and upon the inaugaration of JFK for him, as president to beware of wealthy, Conservatives/fascists who operated the Military Industrial Complex because they wished to create a state of permanent war, ala George Orwell's Prophetic Novel Nineteen-Eighty-Four (1984) and General Douglas Macarthur who warned that Conservative Japanese and German Billionaire Industrialists had plotted to create World War II for Imperialist domination. President/General Dwight D. Eisenhower had experienced the rise and assisted in the fall of Senator Joseph McCarthy, (McCarthy to many epitomized the evil of fascism here in America after We defeated the Nazi/ fascists in Europe). On December 2, 1954, the Senate voted to "condemn" Senator Joseph McCarthy by a vote of 67 to 22, making him only the fourth Senator to be censured in the nation's history. Before and during WWI, and later before WW II, in states like Ohio, Wisconsin, New York, and many Southern, South Eastern, North Western and South Western states like Texas, those answering the general, political description of fascist politicians and Industrialists fitting Orwell's prophecies had arisen, creating some family dynasties, which from 1932-1942 had lent Adolph Hitler millions to build his Industrial war machine, began to become active in politics. A variety of sources support evidence that when Prescott Bush the grandfather of George Walker Bush was managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman, the firm was accused of conducting Fascist/Nazi, German banking operations under the direction of Prescott Bush. Prescott Bush was a director of the Union Banking Corporation- (UBC) when the stock and funds of the firm were seized by the US Government, and a U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized all of the firm's stock shares, all of which were owned by: "Prescott Bush, E. Roland "Bunny" Harriman, three Nazi executives and two other associates of Bush's." ** There is a great deal more, but you can just Google it yourself, the above are just a few examples. ...And now we have The Carlyle Group. Shares had been held by former Republican presidents, only one of which now lives, admirals, generals, oil company executives or former executives, arms dealers, other former politicians of this and other nations, and allegedly a job at starting salary of 550,000 pounds Sterling per year plus bonuses, To Tony Blair, upon his retirement from his current job in London. Former members of the privately owned company have been the Bin Laden family, including Osama, and allegedly still includes many members of the Saudi Royal family. In fifteen years the firm has been able to realize an average of 34% annual rate of return on its investments, 12 times the average return of America's largest public corporations and now it claims to be the largest private equity firm in the world. The Bushite success brought more investors, including the international financier George Soros and the wealthy Saudi Binladin* family (1995). (Apparently, according to several online sources, the family's preferred spelling of the name***.) It has been alleged that GW Bush, current president of the USA, the nation that vanquished Nazi's and fascism, has dedicated himself to avenging the seizure of the UBC funds and (and his inheritance share, no doubt) the subsequent embarrassment of his grandfather and his cause of King making and nation building, as well as making back many times what his grandfather's confiscated funds would have brought the family had they not been seized. Certainly, the seeming acceptance, use of tactics, concentration torture camps, slanders of critics, and attacks on Habeas Corpus, bear amazing similarities between the current Bush administration and the Third Reich. Looking back at the above information, if it is accurate, (other sources appear to be in agreement with the above) would seem to confirm that we are again dealing with a regime saturated with a fascist mentality Obviously seizing/confiscating, blatantly and virtually robbing the wealth of Americans and Iraqi's these last six years, has more than compensated the Bushites for the seizure of UBC funds and Prescott and the Bush's family shareholder benefits. However, with the dubious, odious, earnings of the Carlyle Group (profiting upon a war initiated by one of the key member's sons, who is king-err, I mean president), I would believe that the family legacy has come full circle and now is the time for the present Democratic majority to have the courage to investigate the Bushite Presidency, the Carlyle Group and Halliburton ties to Cheney, as well as the missing billions from Iraq, and war crimes. Democrats, aside from Congressman Waxman have done little with their paper-thin majority, but here is the necessary thing, that they appoint, and immediately, an Independent Prosecutor/Counsel. The approach to this problem if some men were king, err, President, would be the tact of the French people between 1788 and 1815, or the Italians on April 28 1945. I, however, differ. Recall what Lincoln said, "Our safety, our liberty, depends upon preserving the Constitution of the United States as our fathers made it inviolate. The people of the United States are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." We have now observed a good many fascists who conspired to overthrow our Constitution and Bill of Rights and some Democrats who helped them do it, by, they say, not reading what they signed ... and these fellows are lawyers? The men who have perverted our Constitution and our Bill of Rights, did so because they are sadistic, atavistic, avarists, thus for profit and power, and out of sheer lust for evil, and some because they are cowards. They deserve far more than we are giving them, and what we should be giving them is a lesson in cause and effect, impeachment is too good for them. They deserve to be charged, like the Nazi's they worshipped from 1932-1942-1951, and the fascism they still worship. They need to be sent to the gallows of public opinion, to the Madame Guillotine of tongue lashings by me, Keith Olbermann, and Al Franken, and an Independent Prosecutor, and to be hung upside down like Mussolini, but not in death, alive, upside down, in publicly televised court rooms, and be grilled by the toughest sonofabitch on the planet, the best, roughest, junk yard dog, meanest, most altruistic Independent Prosecutor/Counsel. And when he is finished with the Bushites*, then they and all of their family members, should be stripped bare of their ill-gotten gains, the money given back to the treasuries of America and Iraq, and all of the Bushites* should be dressed in orange jump suits, supplied with debris spears and then set about their rest of their lives working in Iraq picking up the debris they spread over that ancient land. Then if they live long enough, they should be sent back here and given the same task. Still, if they outlive that, they should be sent back to Iraq to work emptying bedpans for those, they have maimed and then back here to do the same. We need to send their money to the guillotine, but instead of it separating their heads from their bodies, it should separate their money from their wallets and bank accounts. Then their "family business" should be exposed publicly and laws passed that forbid such a thing from ever happening again. They should be accompanied by all those idiot glib fools on Fox who have supported their evil for Fox shall be viewed from here forward as those who did to Iraq what Hitler did to Europe and what they did to the USA as Hitler did to Germany. None of them, should ever be killed, but they should be fed, every day, films of the atrocities committed under their watch here and abroad, and the fools who still support them should be locked away and forced to watch the evolution of Nazism in Germany, side by side with the evolution of fascism here in America started in a 1932 when a handful of scum ran a banking firm lending money to Adolph Hitler who used it to build factories for war and concentration camps with pesticide shower stalls and ovens, so they could see what the future of America would have been had people like us not stepped in to stop the bastards. Is Bush a hereditary Nazi, or Fascist or both? I do not know; I can only present evidence that is easy to find, which indicates what happened to his ancestors. The image of men taking advantage of their position of power goes back even beyond Prescott Bush, so do some due-diligence and find out for yourself, don't take my word for it, do it yourself. If he is not a Nazi or a Fascist or both, that does not excuse his behavior which closely imitates that of Adolph Hitler in the 1930's and 1940's. From What I have seen of GW Bush, Cheney and the rest, -cowards who never entered the field of battle, but who appear to take delight bulling others into so doing, they would never have emerged from my old neighborhood without having their smirky, scowling faces, kicked in weekly. If you cannot do what you urge/order others to do, you should kicked out of office for that hypocrisy alone. More than that the sort of "I am above the law, no one can touch me, I can do to you and anyone else whatever I want with impunity," that is the attitude of cowardice and of sadism, and it begs to be put in a cage. What they did to the "terrorist" prisoners at those Nazi concentration camps here and in the foreign countries is far too good for them. They need to know how it feels to take a beating, and I am certain may Americans would volunteer to be the first to show them how it feels. Perhaps once they are behind bars this would be a good fundraiser. I can see it now: "Come to this Federal Prison and put on the gloves, bet on who wins, and then punch the hell out of these two cowards for only $250.00, to your favorite charity. Do it early and often!" I have no doubt that we which here articulate justice, if the democrats fail between now and November 2008, will be targets in the aftermath of a the probable Martial Law that is sure to follow if the Dems lose in 2008, or the insurrection and terrorist attacks instigated by the Bushites, which may take place if the Democrates do win. Since I have been asked, Bushites*, is the term with which I coined in satirizing the Biblical hypocrisy of the Neo-con/Fascist followers of Bush, dubbing the entirety of their ensemble in spring 2002, after the suffixed names which the Jews of the Old Testament called many of their enemies. Has it caught on? Thanks to my newsletters, which gave way to my blogspot for several years and of late at OPEDNEWS.COM and other news services, it certainly has been picked up nationally. However, it started in my writings in the spring of 2002. Could others have simultaneously also have coined that phrase? Such a thing is always possible, as scientists are fond of saying, just as possible as over a trillion years of trying, a chimpanzee might write MACBETH. (Some old Chimp, eh?)

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Professor Bagnolo has majored in: Cultural Anthropology, Architectural design, painting, creative writing. As a child prodigy, abed with polio for almost two years, he was offered an opportunity to skip three grades at age 8.
Later He was a (more...)
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