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Clinton, Stop Dividing America

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Nicholas Smith
Message Nicholas Smith
Why is Bill Clinton so involved in the front lines of trying to persuade the American people? Is he running for a third term?
After Obama's 28 point win in South Carolina,Clinton compared him to Jesse Jackson, suggesting that Obama only appeals to blacks. He doesn't get it. Obama is NOT the "BLACK" candidate for President. The fact that he won over a quarter of the white vote in South Carolina, combined with a win in the Iowa caucus, and a tie in New Hampshire proves his universal appeal.

During a speech, Clinton said that had he not been married to her, he would still vote for her. This strikes me as false and disingenuous. He has said that Hillary knows how to unite Republicans and Democrats for a working majority, yet Hillary herself wants to continually "turn up the heat" on Republicans. These comments beg the question: Is the Clinton campaign merely about getting back in power? When a candidate is more about power and status than change, we suffer. Let us not shoot ourselves in the foot. If people are not troubled by Bill's interference with voters' ability to receive unfiltered messages and opinions from the candidates themselves, I must take issue. If people aren't trouble by the trotting out of "slash and burn" tactics by the Clinton campaign, I must take issue. If people give Hillary credit for "experience," without really saying what experience she has, I must take issue. People can support other candidates because they don't believe Obama has had enough Washington DC experience- that is fine.
However, don't trash Obama's experience as a community organizer (when he could have left law school and made thousands at a top NY law firm), as a constitutional law expert (and Professor at the University of Chicago), as an 8 year Senator in the Illinois legislature (where he passed death penalty reform, a universal healthcare commission bill, an ethics reform package, and a mandate for energy companies to buy energy from renewable sources). I am proud of the Obama campaign for sticking to the issues, and hope that people don't vote for Hillary on Feb. 5 merely because "Bill will get back in the White House." Don't get me wrong; Clinton had a successful Presidency that inspired many Americans. It is unfortunate that his wife will not do the same. I will never forgive her for voting to go to war in Iraq. This campaign is not about Bill- he is living history. Obama is a transformational, inspirational and experienced figure. He's ready to lead. Just ask President Kennedy's daughter, Caroline; she just endorsed him.
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Nicholas Smith is a former Commissioner for the City of Berkeley, CA. He is currently a law student in New York City, and blogs about the day's headlines at www.smithonpolitics.com
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