If there is a will there is a way. I do not know who said these words, but they are correct.
The officials in the US Consulate in Peshawar led by Principal Officer Lynne Tracy have been doing tremendous job. They have successfuly projected the image of United States as peace loving nation. They have been establishing contacts with the local people.
It is encouraging to note here that most of the officials can fluently speak Pashto, the local language. The Consulate arranged a debate on the topic of "Democracy Dialogues". The concluding ceremony was held at the Peshawar Press Club which was attended by a large number of people including journalists.
The Principal Officer addressed the gathering, US Consulate Principal Officer Lynne Tracy underlined the importance of dialogue saying that through initiation of this process a solution could be found to the problems confronted by the humanity world over.
"Dialogue, which is the essence of democracy, should be initiated with an open mind," said the US Consulate Principal Officer while delivering a brief speech at the award distribution ceremony of the third annual university student discussion group at the Peshawar Press Club. The theme for the discussion group was "Democracy Dialogues". Amina Gul, Muhammad Faisal Kamal and Sidra-Tul-Muntaha were given shields by Lynne Tracy. Public Affairs Officer of the US Consulate Michael Ebel has conducted the programme.
It may be mentioned here the then US ambassador Ryan C. Crocker was the chief guest in the inaugural ceremony of annual university student discussion group. The "Democracy Dialouges" participants were selected after a rigorous screening process and represent nine Peshawar-area universities and departments.
Three students were selected for shields after proper and tough screening.
The Consulate Principal Officer congratulated the students for winning the shields. "You have done a tremendous job," she told the cheering students present on the occasion.
Amina Gul in her presentation held the politicians responsible for the mess in the country. She said that politicians always kept their concentration on filling their pockets with money and had given very little attention to serve the people.
According to her, imposition of martial law, time and again, in Pakistan had ruined the institutions. She presented several proposals for correcting the situation.
Muhammad Faisal Kamal very cleverly compared Islamic style of government and Western democracy. Sidra-Tul-Muntaha presented her paper in very impressive manner and won laurels from the audience.
The present Consulate Officer after assuming duties has so far arranged several programmes of the public interest. Lynne Tracy took up her duties as Principal Officer on September 19, 2006. Since joining the State Department in 1994, Tracy's overseas assignments have been concentrated in Central and South Asia with postings in Astana as Principal Officer (2004-2006), Kabul (2002-2003), Bishkek (1997-2000), and Peshawar (1995-1997).
Her Washington assignments include Kazakhstan Desk Officer (2003-2004), Georgia Desk Officer (2001-2002), and the Office of the Special Ambassador to the newly independent states (2000-2001). She is the recipient of several superior honor awards.
These types of programmes will certaily have positive impact on war on terrorism.