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Meet Jessica The Hippo - Less A Danger To Her House Than George W. Bush Is To Ours

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Linda Milazzo
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Interesting how this lovely hippopotamus, Jessica, is less dangerous to her house than George W. Bush is to our White House. Notice how Jessica strolls passively into the kitchen for her snack while Bush is aggressively destroying OUR White House by eating our nation out of dignity, treasure and humanity.

Tell me... who would you rather have to your home for dinner (as a guest - not a course!)? The lovely Jessica, or that insane beast George W. Bush? Â

For me it's a no-brainer. It's Jessica all the way!!

Jessica treats people with respect and acts lovingly toward those who elected to have her in their home. George W. Bush is the despicable opposite - acting horribly toward the people of the nation who maintain his temporary home.

Notice how much more lovely Jessica is to look at. She has no brash swagger, she's docile, and her large expressive eyes are filled with love.

Notice Jessica's patience as she waits for her food. Bush would take the whole hand off if his desires weren't satisfied in a spoiled brat minute.

It's time for George W. Bush to leave OUR house and swim with the hippos.  That wouldn't be very healthy for Mr. Bush but who effin cares??

Meanwhile, I'm considering having lovely Jessica over to dinner. Of course I'll have to do a bit of reconstruction - like putting in a drainage system for the dump that's certain to come. Hmmm... if only America had taken the same action to prepare for George Bush. It will take years to fumigate the White House when the murder regime finally leaves.

My greatest dilemma regarding Jessica is deciding her preference for wine. We already know how much she loves coffee. Â

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Linda Milazzo was a Managing Editor of Opednews until Fall 2014, and a Los Angeles based writer, educator and activist. Since 1974, she has divided her time between the entertainment industry, government organizations, community development (more...)

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