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An Open Letter to Markos Moulitsas Zúniga

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Our meddling in the operation of foreign governments is a prime reason for the increasing levels of anger at America and terrorism against American interests worldwide.

America gained a lot of respect when we rebuilt Europe and Japan after World War 2. That was because despite beating the Germans and dropping two nukes on the Japanese we left those countries better off than they were before the war, which is why neither of them has invaded anyone else since then.

If you give someone a job, they aren’t likely to shoot at you. The reason the insurgency is dragging on in Iraq, besides the presence of our troops, is because the unemployment rate there continues to hover at 50%. If there unemployment rate in America was 50% we would have an insurgency here too!

The largest construction project in Iraq is the U.S. military base, er... “embassy” and there isn’t a single Iraqi working on it. Instead of following the proven model of the Marshall Plan, we brought in labor from Sri Lanka because it is cheaper. That is precisely the kind of right wing economic policy that has destroyed America’s manufacturing base and is damaging our national security today.

Last week we saw another example of the consequences of right wing economic policies on our national security when the stock market crashed just because the French decided to stop buying some of our debt.

The right wing’s idea of running this country has been nothing but “borrow and spend”. This is a direct threat to our national security. (especially at a time when we are occupying two foreign nations virtually by ourselves.) The Fed had to dump over $31 billion of our tax dollars into the market in order to bail it out. What is going to happen if China decides to stop buying our debt? How many times can the proponents of the non-existent “free market” turn to big government to bail them out? Eventually this ponzi scheme the right winger have been running is going to implode and We, the American people, are going to be left holding the bag while the rich leave America for their villas in Europe with no more concern than when they left New Orleans to fend for itself after hurricane Katrina.

Because of the right wing’s insistence of cutting revenue and borrowing the money to finance our occupations of two foreign nations and because of their delusion that taxes are a “burden” instead of the cost of living in a civilized society, we are seeing our nation crumbling before our eyes. In the last few weeks alone we have witnessed steam pipes exploding in Manhattan, natural gas tanks exploding in Texas and bridges collapsing in California and Minnesota. We need to start countering the right’s talk of “tax relief” by talking about our “Return On Investment” from our taxes. Right now we do not see any return from our tax dollars and that needs to change!

Are you angry yet?

If you do not feel a white hot rage at the state of affairs in this country, then I submit you are not paying enough attention.

If you feel the rage that I feel then we need to join together in standing up for our beliefs and shouting them at the top of our lungs where ever and when ever the opportunity presents itself.

Thank you.


Kyle Pominville

blogger, activist, patriot, and barstool philosopher.

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I am a classic Gen x'er with a short attention span, high intelligence, low motivation and an overabundance of cynicism that the world just keeps re-justifying. At various points in my life I have been a Journalist, a Personal Trainer, a D.J., a (more...)
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