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James Bush
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One works and strives for peace
Not only because one thinks peace is possible
But because one knows that someone must make a stand for peace

There are many
Who speak, stridently, about the inevitability of war
And make a stand for being "realistic" about human nature

This stand justifies
The actions of those who would continue to promote war
As being necessary in order to defend ourselves in a "dangerous" world

It is clear
That the world has gone along with this justification for a long, long time
And the results are over a hundred million dead in the last century

Someone must speak out
For to remain silent would be tantamount to confirming to the entire universe
That we are incapable of even conceiving of being any better than we are today

Jesus Christ and the Buddha
Two of the greatest promoters of peace to ever walk this good earth
Dedicated their lives to peace, despite their acute knowledge of human nature

One must stand for peace
Like the lone figure who blazes a trail to a possible future
And places a marker there for the rest to see and make their way to

These lone figures
May be scoffed at, as they make their lonely journeys through the jungles of hate
In search of a place to plant their markers of peace for those who come after them

They may never see
The fruits of their labors or the results of their actions
But they may, someday, be remembered as the only sane ones in a world gone mad

And if the world
Never finds the peace that they were compelled to strive for
At least the universe will know that there were those who left a marker for peace

At least the universe will know
That the kernel of something higher did lie in the breast of some
Waiting to be born when humanity was ready to find it's way to peace

And perhaps
Far from here, in some distant solar system, on some distant planet
Someone living there will find the peace that we could not discover

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Jim Bush is a 67 year old, Vietnam-era veteran, currently living in Texas. He was raised in a military family. His father received the Silver Star for directing troops while under air attack at Clark Field in the Phillipines, survived the Bataan (more...)

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