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Our Boys And Girls, And Men And Women

James Bush
Message James Bush
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Some of our boys and girls
And men and women
Are really good
And some
Are really bad

Some of our boys and girls
And men and women
Are really smart
And some
Are really stupid

Some of our boys and girls
And men and women
Know what they are fighting for
And some
Don't have a clue

Some of our boys and girls
And men and women
Are doing good things in Iraq
And some
Are just raising hell

Some of our boys and girls
And men and women
Were sick before they got there
And some
Are sick now

Some of our boys and girls
And men and women
Have weird beliefs about the war
And some
Have their feet on the ground

Some of our boys and girls
And men and women
Are the best we have to offer
And some
Are as screwed up as they come

All of the support
All of the honors
All of the remembering
All of the sentimentality
All of the great training
All of the great leadership
All of the steely eyed realism
All of the talk about fighting terror
And all of the talk about patriotism...

Will not change the fact...

That the war was started under false pretenses
That the war was really about getting a handle on Iraq's oil
That the war was not about going after the perpetrators of 911
That most of the people of Iraq want us to leave their country, now!
That the cause of Osama Bin Laden has only been enhanced by the invasion
And the Bush administration has committed a terrible crime against the United States

But worst of all...

The Bush administration has committed an unpardonable crime against...

Our boys and girls
And men and women

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Jim Bush is a 67 year old, Vietnam-era veteran, currently living in Texas. He was raised in a military family. His father received the Silver Star for directing troops while under air attack at Clark Field in the Phillipines, survived the Bataan (more...)

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