Many who believe the Twin Towers were not brought down by jet fuel alone are quick to suggest the U.S. government took part in the attack.
But I am of the opinion that George Bush and his immediate team were not in on 9-11. I do not feel confident a plan to strike fear into the American people would have ever included portrayal of a government as ineptly prepared or revealed a President as cowardly.
In the kind of irony no scriptwriter could imagine, it recently made news when Senators examined incriminating vote-caging lists Karl Rove's chief aide mistakenly sent to his nemesis at, a parody site selling anti-Bush t-shirts and bumper stickers. But even more revealing was the video tape made during the moments 9-11 was unfolding, showing a humble schoolteacher with a very special guest in her classroom.
It is unfortunate the tape become the centerpiece of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 film as Moore's controversial take on the event overshadowed the drama the raw footage surely had on it's own. Indeed Moore talked right over the clip, which showed George Bush inexplicaby sitting on his ass as American cities burned.
Brain research shows most people are extremely resistant to changing beliefs once set, though when they do, are far more likely to based on conclusions made themselves rather then coming from others. This phenomenon of mass psychology was the cornerstone of Reagan's campaign strategies.
In August of 2006 a Vanity Fair article detailing the NORAD tapes of September 11 showed a government dangerously unequipped for the terror in the skies. The greater purpose of propaganda stunts like Hitler's fire in the Reichstag or the frame-up of Nicaraguan rebels is not to villify the enemy as much as to make the leaders look like saviors. The NORAD jet fighters were so slow to react in our defense during 9-11, the US government tried to prevent the response time from reaching the public. Even today, parts of the audio remains secret. But when I discovered Bush was supposed to have been in contact with NORAD commanders standing by to approve a shootdown of hijacked passenger jets, it affirmed what I'd felt when I first saw the "My Pet Goat tape". That Bush was frozen with indecision.
If the US Government knew about 9-11 at any level, only Bush's worst enemy would have coordinated it so he and his whole staff looked so pathetically unprepared and inept to defend us in any way, from the missed daily briefings to the paralysis during the attacks. The ineffectiveness in apprehending Osama bin Laden suggests White House scriptwriters did not figure him to be the heavy in this story - rather they wanted Saddam. Were Bush involved in 9-11, intel would have been fixed around the idea that the hijackers indeed had ties to Iraq. The evidence connecting 9-11 to Saddam was a day late and a dollar short. A pre-existing conspiracy would have cooked up any number of ties leading us right to Saddam's door. Therefore Bush couldn't have been in on 9-11.
Though Bush's contempt for the Constitution emerged in any case, the 9-11 attacks remain unexplained and unavenged, prompting Americans like me to wonder whether further rationale for impeachment might include Bush's ineffectiveness in pursuing America's enemies.