"Why is this election year request different from any other?" Because the stakes are phenomenally higher. But even that's not it . The stakes are not just higher, they are qualitatively different.
"What difference can you make in joining me in this request to challenge each and every Republican?" A phenomenal one! Your leadership will not only inspire other grassroots Democrats to join with you, but you will send a message to our own leadership in Washington to adopt this as their mantra as well. You can make a quantum change in the dynamics of politics by committing to this goal.
I am not easily given to hyperbole, but I do not think it is an exaggeration to say that American Democracy as we know it is at a precipice, ready to fall and shatter into a million pieces that no one will be able to put back together again if we fail in our task. I truly believe the fate of the Republic is at stake.
2. This administration believes that the Commander in Chief is not subject to law, domestic or otherwise. The actions at Abu Ghraib Prison and Guantanamo Bay, are the natural outcome of this line of thinking, and may very well constitute War Crimes. They maintain that the "Commander in Chief" is above the law. He has plainly stated he violated wiretapping laws and will continue to do so. He believes he can, by issuing a "signing statement" exempt the Executive Branch from the Rule of Law. This is a modern, bloodless, coup d'etat and we cannot allow it to stand.
3. This administration has sought retribution against those who told the truth. They even went so far as to expose an undercover CIA agent, to get back at her husband who proved Bush lied in his State of the Union Address. That may very well be Treason.
4. They have passed the Patriot Act which gives the government virtually unlimited power to hold, detain, and question your fellow citizens, all without charge, or benefit of attorney! They are seeking to get your personal email and other information through Yahoo!, Microsoft, and Google. This is King George at his worst.
5. This administration has raided the Treasury for its Billionaire Cronies. It is bankrupting our country. They have failed to prosecute the Energy Barons who conspired to steal millions from Californians by withholding electricity. They are thieves wallowing in a culture of corruption!
6. This Administration's health care system is in a shambles. As a result Senior Citizens returning from Canada are subject to body searches. This is insulting, humiliating, and only benefits the pharmaceutical companies.
7. They have tried to prevent Democratic Party access to the airwaves by threatening lawsuits if Station Owners allow our message to be broadcast. Fear and intimidation aimed at silencing dissent all backed by yet another lie!
8. This administration used the Office of Homeland Security to track-down and arrest Democratic Members of the Texas legislature. This is an unprecedented abuse of power.
9. This administration's lackeys in Congress have even gone so far as to call the Capitol Police to break up a meeting of the Democratic Congressional Leadership.
My father fought against such Storm Trooper tactics in WWII. To use Gestapo-like actions on American soil is to dishonor the lives of millions of American Service men and women.
Make no mistake, these Republicans are not your father's Republicans. They seek to gain control of all of the levers of power and finance, and control your life in the process I do not believe I am far from the truth when I say they are evil and they must be stopped.
We cannot fail, and your help is needed in defeating each and every one of the candidates of the Republican Party in their quest for unbridled power. We must send a message that we are taking this country back. We are fighting to take it back from those who would destroy it, and all the liberty and freedom that millions of men and women have fought and shed their blood for.
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