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Are the right wing resorting to violence against the left ?

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editorial spiderednews.com
Message editorial spiderednews.com
Articles from each side of the Atlantic prompt me to wonder if the right wing, knowing they are on a losing path, are increasingly resorting to violence against the left.  It makes you wonder if their goal is civil riots which would give them an excuse to openly declare Marshall Law and cancel orannul the elections.

In the United States, a right wing talk show host "dreams" of riots at a  Democratic National Convention.  Meanwhile in the UK, parliamentarian and champion of the far left, George Galloway,  was hit in Central London whilst on an open-air bus campaigning for the local elections.  George Galloway was knocked out and left with a concussion and a nasty bruise on the side of his head.  The assailant was a company director associated with the right wing Conservative party.  

The mainstream media are still spinning the George Galloway assault as if it was a grass roots violence which they "spin" as if it was understandable and even commendable against the left when they are out making their voices heart.  This is tantamount to encouraging violence against the left.  

If the violence can be blamed directly on the left (e.g. a fictional splinter group of the left), then so much the better.  The Quebec Police have been caught out using agents provocateurs who were seen to be ready to hurl stones at the police when all the other demonstrators were peaceful:  "Quebec police admit going undercover at Montebello protests."  

With the right wing resorting to false flag operations (911 is the supreme case of that), the alternative media will have to take up the challenge to be the "Fourth Estate," a position of which the mainstream media has show itself to be unworthy.  People like Michael Rivero, at whatREALLYhappened.com are at the forefront of this fight back to reclaim freedom and true democracy to the citizens of the world.

]Rush Limbaugh Calling For Riots In Denver

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is sparking controversy again after he made comments calling for riots in Denver during the Democratic National Convention this summer.

He said the riots would ensure a Democrat is not elected as president, and his listeners have a responsibility to make sure it happens.

"I am not inspiring or inciting riots, I am dreaming of riots in Denver."

Limbaugh said with massive riots in Denver, which he called "Operation Chaos," the people on the far left would look bad.
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Are the right wing resorting to violence against the left ?

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