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What Hillary didn't know, and still doesn't

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Ed Martin
Message Ed Martin
Taking Hillary as being typical of the members of congress who are now professing their ignorance of any reason to have opposed Bush's Iraq war, she said that if she had known then what she knows now, she wouldn't have voted for the war.

If she didn't know it then, then why not? All the information that's available now was available then. And we knew it then. What she knows now was known before Bush started his war. We knew then that there was no evidence of weapons of mass destruction. We knew then that Bush declaring war is a violation of the Constitution, the Geneva Convention and international law. Her saying she knew none of this is unbelievable, and at least is a confession of gross, if not willful ignorance.

We knew all this at the time, and said so, loudly and longly, and were ignored and dismissed. How come it is that a United States senator, at the center of power and information doesn't know as much as us plain folks out here in the boondocks? There's something really badly wrong with that and I think it's that we have the wrong people representing us. It appears that we're a whole lot smarter than Hillary since it took her five years to figure out what we knew all along.

Another thing Hillary doesn't know is that a non-binding resolution is an oxymoron. Non-binding is not resolve. Non-binding is no more effective than saying you don't like bleu cheese dressing. Who cares?

Bi-partisanship is another thing that Hillary has failed to be informed by from the record. When the Republicans were in power, bi-partisan meant the Democrats cooperating with the Republicans to do what the Republicans want. Now that the Democrats are in power, it means the Democrats cooperating with the Republicans to do what the Republicans want.

Nothing has changed because the narrative is still controlled by the Bush White House and his Republicans. Look at what bi-partisanship got us. The Democrats going along with the Republicans got us Bush's Iraq war, a disaster, the Patriot Act, a disaster, Homeland Security, a disaster, the Military Commission Act that did away with habeas corpus, another disaster, and way back then, the Democratic voters going along with the Republicans got us George Bush as President, the greatest disaster of all.

The lesson here is that anytime you cooperate with the Republicans, disaster results. So, no, we don't want any more bi-partisanship. We. Do. Not. Want. It. That's what we told them at the election and that's another thing that Hillary still doesn't know.

Speaking for all of us to Hillary and all those who've backtracked on their Iraq war vote, we who warned anyone who would listen that Bush's Iraq war was wrong from the beginning, and were proved right, I'm not going to say to those who supported it, "I'm sorry to say I told you so." What I am going to say is, "I am overjoyed, delighted, ectstatic, tickled pink to say, I told you so."
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Ed Martin is an ordinary person who is recovering from being badly over-educated. Born in the middle of the Great Depression, he is not affiliated with nor a member of any political, social or religious organization. He is especially interested in (more...)
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