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Hillary Clinton To Bill O'Reilly, "Rich People: God Bless Us;" Elite? Hmm

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Dean Powers
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At least she wasn't knocking back shots with Senator John McCain, the 5th richest US senator during the height of the Iraq War, but something is still seriously wrong when Bill O’Reilly is yukking it up with a potential Democratic presidential nominee on his oftener-than-not vitriolic conservative talk show as if the two were chortling about the acquisition of some small country over a bottle of Dom Perignon at the Augusta Country Club, chauffeurs and entourages dutifully biding time near the exit.

Presidential nominee Senator Hillary Clinton appeared on the O'Reilly Factor for the first time on Wednesday in what the Huffington Post described as a "confrontational but mostly friendly exchange."

One could imagine servants scurrying around the kingly Bill O’Reilly or queenly Hillary Clinton before the taped interview as each sat at a vanity mirror under the care of a hairstylist making more than some doctors. Both looked about 20 years younger than they are.

One could also guess at the elaborate plans behind the meeting of these two royal factions, Blackberries buzzing, young important-looking people power walking from meeting to meeting and making arrangements with Beijing or Singapore.

The interview may have looked like a truce, but the dynamics between O’Reilly and Clinton showed a far deeper and more substantial relationship between the two factions: Murdoch’s royal family and Clinton’s. O’Reilly even asked, “Are you surprised that Fox News has been fairer to you than NBC News, and a lot of the other liberal news networks?" Clinton ducked the question like it was sniper fire.

It’s possible that Fox News has more to look forward to with Clinton in the White House than John McCain, let alone Obama. Who knows what kind of campaign promises Clinton—who “doesn’t agree with the activist base of the Democratic Party”—made in the private company of the gazillionaire media emperor?

Both noblepersons displayed their ass…ets like a couple of peacocks. “You know your husband and I make a lot of money, do you know that?” Bill O’Reilly asked Clinton as she smiled back maniacally. “I’ve heard that,” Clinton returned in an understatement that would have raised eyebrows had she never traveled to Bosnia. “A lot of money,” O’Reilly repeated as Clinton laughed heartily, perhaps thinking of all of her millions.

O’Reilly worked to pin down Clinton on tax cuts, demanding to know how much money Clinton was going to take “out of my wallet.” O’Reilly told Clinton, “I’m not a middle-class family, I’m a rich guy.” Then Clinton, who is so down to earth and “in touch” with Middle Americans and the values of faithful people and gun-owners said, “You know what? Rich people: God bless us.”

God bless us rich people. God bless us because we’re rich. God bless of our money. Let me tell you a little something about the type of people that Clinton is sooooo in touch with: they ain’t rich. How can you possibly be in touch with them?

Oh, I know. You can pinch your millions by not leaving Maid-Rite waitress Anita Esterday even a two or three dollar tip and then send a campaign spokesperson over to get “in touch” with her and pay her some hush money and call the hard-working single mom a liar to hide your own sins. (The Clinton campaign could never prove it left a tip. They just fought back vehemently when the story broke and shattered Esterday’s reputation in the process. Well that’s collateral damage.)

“Rich people; God bless us.” If that doesn’t sum up an attitude of elitism, I don’t know what does. Why shouldn’t God bless poor people too? Why (don’t interrupt me, you’re asking these same asinine, sarcastic, hyperbolic questions about Obama) does Clinton’s God only love the rich? Shouldn’t poor people have a chance to worship God? I guess not. I guess Clinton worships a country club God. I guess God only blesses Exxon executives and Halliburton executives.

Let’s continue what the right-wing media would do if Obama had said something like this. Here’s an angry Middle American that some reporter for ABC dug up and she’s pissed about these elitist comments: “She sits there and says that God only loves the rich and expects us to vote for her because she’s ‘in touch’ with us.” Or, “The bible says it’s easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for the rich to get into heaven. I hope Clinton remembers that while she sits there and claims that God loves her more than us ordinary average Americans.”

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Dean Powers lives in Castleton, VT. He has apprenticed at several newspapers including The Nation. He currently writes for OpEdNews. He can be found at facebook.com/deanppowers.

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