What is a national Vote Strike?
It is you withdrawing your consent to be governed by the inept & corrupt Republican & Democratic parties.
For more click: HowToVoteStrike
This web site www.votestrike.com was created for/by you, the voters (Republicans/Democrats/Red States/Blue States) because whichever party you belong to they have failed you. We the people (the voters) find ourselves in a very difficult position. Local governments are forced to do the job of the federal government. From natural disaster relief, border security, rampant illegal immigration, food safety, inadequate bridges, dams & hiways, disease epidemic caused in part by our Farm bill, drug epidemic due in part to lax border security, mental health care crises, some local governments (16 states) are even combating global warming because the federal government isn't doing its job- under Republican or Democratic administations! The problems are endless, some states are facing a drinking water shortage, drop-outs & low education levels are problems that just keep right on giving. Causing a financial burden on local governments so that even local services have to be cut.
For more click: WarOnTheMiddleClass
VOTING out one party & replacing them with the other party has not worked in the Congress or the Senate. Democrats promising to clean up pork & earmarks were elected & yet last years (2007), spending bills contained 11,900 pork barrel projects. At a cost to tax-payers of over $20 billion. Now we’re being asked to choose between a Republican/Democrat as our next president.
Don't be fooled again:
Candidates are forced to raise large sums of money each election. ( Obama's campaign reported raising a staggering $32 million in January, cash aplenty to advertise all through the nearly two dozen upcoming races from coast to coast — and contests beyond. Clinton's campaign reported raising $26.8 million from October through December, the most recent period that she reported.) What do corporate donors get for their money? They get to set our Energy policy, our Immigration policy, our Trade policies. Why else has there been no effort to secure our borders or lower our dependence on foreign oil since 9/11?
Democrats & Republicans from the president down are guilty of putting this nations security at risk. And for what? Cheap foreign labor. Sen. John McCain’s Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill was wrote by corporate lobbyist to subvert the Constitution & make legal what is now illegal. At a cost to this nations security. Crooks like these (Sen.s Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton both signed & still support this bill as well as the Z-Visa) should be ran out of town. Instead their running for president.
Both parties are promising change. We hear it every 4 years. But the truth is they have almost the same financial backers & there’s lobbyist bribing whichever party takes office (there's 35,000 lobbyist in Washington).
We need REAL CHANGE! The kind of change that can only come from new parties & publicly funded elections. Because as long as Big Oil can write our Energy policy, we’ll always be dependent on foreign oil. As long as China can manipulate our Trade policies we’ll always have record Trade deficits. There is a reason why nothing gets fixed in Washington.
REAL CHANGE has to come from the bottom up.
Feel free to copy & distibute.
For more click: WarOnTheMiddleClass
Vote Strike does not support any candidates or political parties. Vote Strikes goals are: 1. end the two-party system. 2. end corporate control of our politicians by 3. creating multi-party elections that are publicly funded.
QUESTIONS/COMMENTS: realchange@votestrike.com
Whether you call it the world financial structure, the U.S. culture of waste, or the ability of the common man to make a decent living, the system is broken. It's time for the common man to go on strike. Join or support the March on Washingon (