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Mini Bugs A Decoy for San Francisco's Even Dirtier, Hotter Secret

Cathy Garger
Message Cathy Garger

In yesterday’s issue of The San Francisco Chronicle, the Bay area’s top federal propaganda mouthpiece, in “Top-secret Livermore anti-germ lab opens,”


we are informed of new and secretive governmental Germ Laboratory work being conducted in a eastern San Francisco suburb, at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.


In this piece, the Livermore Laboratory is working with “deadly microbes” which are reportedly “being grown by scientists seeking defenses against terrorist [sic] attacks” in the high-security California nuclear laboratory. After a paragraph or two, even the marginally aware reader gets the definite sense there is a hidden agenda in here somewhere.


In this germ story, Marylia Kelley, Executive Director of the Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment, (CARES) was quoted as saying the Livermore Laboratory and its sponsors "are jeopardizing the health and safety of the local community and the surrounding Bay Area."  Ms. Kelley is indeed telling the truth with regard to the life-destroying hazards the public has endured since the former “Lawrence Radiation Laboratory” first opened for nuclear war “research” and secret human radiation experiments


in 1952.

In fact, the Department of Energy Laboratory, now being managed these days by a mix of both corporations and universities, http://www.llnsllc.com/ has been putting California’s citizens and environment at risk with open air explosions of Depleted Uranium and other toxic and radioactive materials since as early as 1955.

In private correspondence recently with the spokesperson for the San Francisco Bay watchdog group with an eye on local nuclear weapons contamination issues, Tri-Valley CARES Executive Director, Marylia Kelley, wrote, “We received an email from the Air District stating that the permit request was ‘on hold’ at Livermore Lab's request.”  The spokesperson for the Livermore-based non profit explained, “Please note that ‘on hold’ does not mean ‘withdrawn.’ We are continuing our efforts to obtain the requested information from the Air District, and, more broadly, to prevent the issuance of the proposed permits (and to stop the existing bomb testing)."

In other words, what The San Francisco Chronicle apparently “forgot” to mention about their “germ” piece about Livermore Laboratory is that Tri-Valley CARES fully realizes it is not merely invisible bugs and pathogens that the nuclear weapons Lab is using that puts the health and safety of the people of the greater San Francisco Bay area at jeopardy.  The San Francisco Chronicle, which has carefully chronicled the Livermore Laboratory’s goings on for years, apparently left out that the nuclear research Laboratory, in addition to spreading “deadly microbes,” has routinely exploded thousands of pounds of lethal, chemically toxic, and radioactive Depleted Uranium in the greater San Francisco Bay area’s air for the past fifty years.

There is no doubt this Big Nasty Germ Bug story is being used to attract attention away from the health-destroying radioactive blasts of Uranium, Tritium, and more than five dozen chemical toxics detonated regularly outdoors atop the Laboratory’s Site 300 outdoor firing “shot tables.”


One can imagine the Livermore’s new management team in a memo outlining their brilliant new plan to block opposition to the upcoming increase in Depleted Uranium explosions. Certainly, the memo must have gone something like: “We need to distract away from DU blasts. Let's keep San Francisco's liberal eyes fixated on Bio-Germ Lab stuff. Continue talking about invisible bugs. And whatever you do? Don’t mention the [radioactive] blasts!”


No doubt about it. The Livermore Lab’s PR department is counting on the fact they can neatly, tightly, carefully focus liberal California’s attention narrowly on just Bugs and Germs. In this fashion, they’re banking on the fact that the easily distracted public will forget all about the permit application dated April 4, 2007 which now sits in the office of the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District.


In the application filed last spring, the Laboratory asked for permission to detonate Depleted Uranium and more than sixty other toxic materials in quantities to increase from the current 1,000 lbs. allowable amount to 8,000 lbs. annually.

The Laboratory has been trying since September, 2006 to explode more Depleted Uranium (DU) into the San Francisco Bay area’s air, but this has been met with repeated community opposition (see below).


According to the newest application package, however, the routine 1,000 lbs. of materials in ongoing open detonations have been performed “pursuant to an exemption from permitting contained in SJVAPCD Rule 2020, Section 7.4. This rule provides an exemption from permitting for the detonation of explosives for R & D, provided that the quantity of explosives does not exceed 100 pounds per day (lb/day) and 1000 pounds per year (lb/yr), at a single stationery source.”


Apparently, the reasoning for the requested eight-fold increase in radioactive and toxic materials was stated as “support of homeland security and national defense activities,” with the Livermore Laboratory anticipating the need for “up to 350 pounds per day (lb/day) and up to 8,000 pounds per year (lb/year) of explosives may be detonated” as the newly desired “maximum annual detonation limit."

The application permit process granting the Department of Energy’s nuclear Livermore Laboratory permission to up domestic DU “blasts” inside California has been held up due to conditions surrounding the complete and thorough analysis of the health and environmental impact of the permit application. As Dave Warner, Director of Permit Services for the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District (SJVAPCD) explained this week in private correspondence, “The ball is in their court, and we will not be proceeding further until we hear from them.”


Mr. Warner is referring to outstanding issues related to the approval process for the permit application with Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC (LLNSC) http://www.llnsllc.com . The LLNS is the newly privatized, Bechtel-led manager of the Livermore Laboratory. The hold-up in the permit approval process concerns issues of reimbursement for contractors’ fees and liability not yet addressed by the new Livermore Laboratory firm, which took over operations management in October.


Spokesman for the the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District Permit Services, Warner has explained a need for his air quality agency to hire a consultant(s) “to address the CEQA [California Environmental Quality Act] analysis as our expertise is limited to air quality concerns and CEQA must address all environmental impacts.”  The issue of full environmental analysis of the impact of open air detonations of 8,000 lbs. of contaminants to include over five dozen toxic and hazardous materials such as Depleted Uranium, lead, cyanide and carbon monoxide, is required to be conducted in keeping with the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act.


So it does not, therefore, take a nuclear scientist to figure out that the new hoopla over a Livermore Germ Lab is something which the Department of Energy, as handmaiden for the Department of Defense’s nuclear weapons programs, undoubtedly hopes will shift America’s focus, attention, and resources into fighting microscopic Germ Development at Livermore.

It is more than likely that the feds are banking on the fact that Americans with characteristic short-attention spans – and, in particular, progressive San Franciscans - will all climb aboard the NO NEW BUGS for San Francisco! bandwagon – and rapidly depart the STOP EXPLODING RADIOACTIVE DEPLETED URANIUM IN OUR FACES! train.


Thus, by showcasing their germ manufacturing work and tying up the time, energy, and funding of the only local anti-radiation watchdog group in town? The federal radiation dispensers are pulling a bait and switch move, thereby distracting us from their well-kept, dirty secret… namely, that the federal government is essentially “nuking” the ten million residents of the greater San Francisco Bay/San Jose Area by increasing the amount of ceramic Uranium oxide in our environment by 800 percent (800%).


Yet many San Franciscans reportedly do not believe the Livermore DU blasts concern them personally because, as they rationalize, they do live 40 miles from the deadly explosions. Yet what Californians who prefer breathing clean air, drinking clean water, and eating grapes minus liberal amounts of radiation need to remember is that immediately after the March, 2003 “Shock and Awe” bombing campaign of Baghdad, it took Uranium oxide only 9 days to travel through the winds the 2,500 mile distance from Iraq to the UK.


Can you imagine how quickly it takes radioactive Uranium aerosol to reach the city of San Francisco any day of the week the Livermore Laboratory decides the wind is blowing in just the right direction to conduct its open air Depleted Uranium detonations, thereby assuring a heavy radiological “dose” for San Francisco’s heavily liberal, gay, and non-white communities?


Let's do the math. On a not too windy day when the winds are blowing at 5 mph hour, it takes only about 8 hours before the unknowing millions in the greater San Francisco Bay/San Jose area are breathing in the very same stuff the US military uses on the so-called "enemy" in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Can there be any question that this Bio Germ Lab Public Relations media deal has been manufactured so we will all take our eyes off the nuclear poison gassing of the greater San Francisco Bay area?


So, thanks to The San Francisco Chronicle, we’ve now got concerned Bay area activists wringing their recycled tissues at being the newly targeted “enemy” of deadly germ and bug warfare “testing” releases. Right down the road from them, however, radioactive materials are being detonated into California’s air literally identical to the ones being exploded in bombs and tanks and fired out of jet fighters in Middle Eastern combat zones.


Many peace, environmental, and humanitarian groups in the greater San Francisco Bay area have been protesting for years against nuclear materials in “bombs” and so-called “conventional” DU weapons being used in the wars on Iraq and Afghanistan. Isn’t it high time that the good-hearted, peace-loving, tree-hugging humanitarians who live around the San Francisco Bay also begin to mightily object to the local environmental “nuking” of themselves, their kids, their families, neighbors, and friends?


It sure looks like the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, with the help of its willing accomplice, The San Francisco Chronicle, is going to be mighty successful in switching California’s focus, and attention from microscopic-sized nanoparticles of radioactive, ceramic Uranium aerosol (gas) of Depleted Uranium explosions to the perceived lesser threat of itty bitty, microscopic “bugs” and germs recently reported to be used in the Laboratory there.


Bugs and germ warfare, after all, do seem at least a little bit less threatening than the gut-wrenching reality of devastating, irreversible damage to the tune of literally billions of years to both public health and permanent environmental contamination from the radioactive, nuclear poison gas releases from explosions outdoors in California’s air.


May the big-hearted progressives in the greater San Francisco Bay area see the germ warfare media piece for the distraction it actually is … and quickly wake up and smell the almost imperceptible scent of invisible Uranium Oxide in their very own backyards.


And, dear progressive sisters and brothers of conscience and concern for humanity in California, may you all do this – put an end to radioactive explosions inside California, as a gift to America and to yourselves - very, very soon.


“Dust Up”


“DU Poison Explosions Target US Citizens”


“More lies from Livermore nuclear weapons lab”www.sfbayview.com/20070508106/News/Front_Page/More_lies_from_Livermore_nuclear_weapons_lab.html or


“What’s a little depleted uranium in the yard if it helps defeat them terrorists?" http://www.markdrolette.org/1/2007/06/whats-a-little-.html

Public health effects of radiationwww.radiation.org
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Cathy Garger is a freelance writer, public speaker,  activist, and a certified personal coach who specializes in Uranium weapons. Living in the shadow of the national District of Crime, Cathy is constantly nauseated by the stench emanating from (more...)
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