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"Why Vote?"

By       (Page 1 of 1 pages)   1 comment

Bill Tower
Message Bill Tower
"Why Vote?"

To those who are still whining about Ralph Nader's candidacy I say, "You've all been had...not by the Republicans, but by the Dem Party slicksters who managed to demonize Nader and convince you that Kerry (like Gore in 2000) was 'the only candidate who could beat Bush' in 2004."

Votes are precious things, but all of you smartass 'strategic' voters threw your votes away. If all the self-professed progressives who actually preferred Nader to Gore in 2000 had voted their preference, the Democrats might have fielded a decent candidate in 2004. Instead you proved you'd vote for ANYBODY they nominated, and would be willing to villify a candidate who actually represented your own values and interests. Predictably, the DNC (already assured YOUR votes were in the bag) responded by running the hemming-hawing obfuscator (and fellow Bush 'Bonesman'!) John Kerry.

If progressives had ignored the Democratic Party's scare tactics, if they hadn't allowed themselves to be threatened and cowed into voting for Gore in 2000, if they hadn't disempowered themselves, the resulting Nader vote might have convinced the Dems that their Republican-Lite strategy was a loser....as, indeed, it proved to be (again!) in 2004.

Had progressives not sold their votes so cheaply in 2000, the DNC wiseguys might have sponsored an ANTI-war, ANTI-Patriot Act, ANT-NAFTA, PRO-Universal Healthcare candidate in 2004. Such a candidate would have been swept into office by the votes of millions who (as it turned out) didn't see much point in voting for a PRO-War, PRO-Patriot Act, PRO-NAFTA, Healthcare-waffling "Democrat" who had no more appeal than a wet toilet seat.

Now do you see how it works? It ain't rocket science....and it certainly ain't beanbag....but if politics is done right we wouldn't have 50% of the electorate staying home out of disgust or despair.
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Bio -- I'm a Vietnam War veteran, Antioch College graduate, and sometime schoolteacher....pushing 60, and living in Massachusetts.
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"Why Vote?"

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