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What you can do to support two voting rights heroes: Ion Sancho and Stephen Heller

By Bev Harris, Black Box Voting  Posted by Joan Brunwasser (about the submitter)       (Page 1 of 2 pages)   No comments
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Joan Brunwasser
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Black Box Voting has committed $10,000 to the Stephen Heller Legal
Defense Fund. I have spoken to his wife and to Stephen about this. I
urge those who are in a position to do so to make the most generous
contribution you can.

Please do two things right now to roll back the inappropriate
encroachment of punitive government actions against citizens and
public officials who have made difficult ethical decisions to fight
for your civil rights.

1. First and foremost, please give to the Stephen Heller fund. He was
faced with the ethical dilemma from hell. What do you do when a
presidential primary is just weeks away, and you are assigned a word
processing assignment that has you looking at evidence that the
secretary of state is being lied to by the voting machine company
counting millions of votes? What do you do when those lies explode
into thousands of disenfranchised voters? Nothing?

In times like these, the citizenry depends on honesty and courage like
Stephen Heller has shown. If you want citizens of courage like Heller
successfully threatened and ultimately silenced, do nothing. If you
believe that he went to the front lines for YOUR rights, please give
what you can.



Give to Heller's fund first, because that is the most difficult thing
to do, and the thing that may cause us to procrastinate.

2. And then, please join the important VoteTrustUSA.org initiative to
fight for Ion Sancho. This involves simply clicking a link and sending
an important letter to Florida officials.

Here is the Ion Sancho support link:
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Black Box Voting
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More options 11:38 pm (1 ½ hours ago)
Black Box Voting : Latest Consumer Reports from Black Box Voting: 3-11-06: The Stephen Heller Legal Defense Fund

Posted by Bev Harris on Saturday, March 11, 2006 - 09:38 pm:

For release 3/9/06

By Robert C. Koehler

Tribune Media Services

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Joan Brunwasser is a co-founder of Citizens for Election Reform (CER) which since 2005 existed for the sole purpose of raising the public awareness of the critical need for election reform. Our goal: to restore fair, accurate, transparent, secure elections where votes are cast in private and counted in public. Because the problems with electronic (computerized) voting systems include a lack of (more...)

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