Want to know how it affected millions of us who are scrounging for anything we can get our hands on"gossip, scandals, misspoken words, perp walks, silly pictures ANYTHING" I've watched it three times today.
God we've been needing this for so long. It's manna from heaven. I'm sorry Jon. I still love you man. I mean when you called Tucker Carlson a dick on Crossfire I had an orgasm. I kid you not. God that took guts. Right there and then you became my numero uno. That made me so happy. I mean it. I was happy for months about that. I still watch it. And the fact that it got Tucker canned and the show cancelled was the absolute best thing I've seen in the last 5 god-forsaken years.
But, Jon, we're all so desperate. We have so little to hang on to. You do the best Bush imitation of anyone. It makes me laugh every time. Just that look on your face and the heh-heh thing all hunkered down"it's the best. And when you get footage of him being a jerk, and then you imitate him, it's just so entertaining. And jeezoman Jon, do we need to be entertained.
What Stephen did was genius. He did what we've all wanted to do for so long. He looked right into President Bush's eyes and basically called him a dangerous, pea-brained, no account a**hole. And godammit that took balls"brass balls, as you said. So I want to say thank-you to Stephen Colbert for the most entertaining stand up I've ever seen and thank-you to Jon Stewart for inventing him. You've given some war-weary American citizens something to live for.