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Chertoff and Terrorists; New Jersey and Terrorism"¦Perfect Together; terrorism is operating in NJ unchecked, and Bush'

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A Saddle River man accused by the state of siphoning more than $ 9
million from his financially ailing health maintenance organization also
owns five unlicensed MRI centers that are not subject to health and
safety standards, state officials say.

Dr. Magdy Elamir, owner of the American Preferred Provider Plan
(APPP), which was taken over by the state last month, owns magnetic
resonance imaging centers in Paterson , Passaic , Jersey City , Irvington ,
and Newark
.” (13)

So here we have a prominent neurologist who is alleged to have funneled money to Osama Bin Laden through his fraudulent HMO, and we also discover that he has been involved in at least two accident fraud schemes, operated unlicensed MRI centers and had a license revoked by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The NRC license revocation is especially troubling since unauthorized and unlicensed personnel at Dr. Elamir’s clinics were handling nuclear materials.

In a document I found titled Nuclear Regulatory Commission Issuances, dated July 1- December 31, 1998 , Volume 48 pages 1-415, on page 7 is listed:

Magdy Elamir , MD

( Newark , New Jersey )

Docket 1A 97-070

Memorandum and Order, LBP 98-25, October 8, 1998 ……226

This document is in the form of a PDF file and when I scrolled down to page 226, I found five pages of information concerning the suspension of Byproducts Material License # 29-30282-01. (14)

In an NRC News article published by the U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission on April 4, 1997 , it states:

“An NRC inspection in January found that the individuals acting as the authorized user of radioactive materials at Newark Medical Associates and as its radiation safety officer were not listed on the license, as NRC requires. A subsequent investigation by the NRC's Office of Investigations determined that the application for the license listed an individual as the sole authorized user and radiation safety officer without that individual's consent or knowledge. Investigators further found that the individual has never been associated with Newark Medical Associates.” (15)

To make matters worse, Dr. Elamir’s own brother, Mohamed El Amir, was implicated in Operation Diamondback:

“Dateline” has found another reason why federal investigators might want to pay close attention to Dr. Elamir and his family. It’s something we learned when we interviewed Randy Glass, the con-man turned undercover operative who helped the government break up an illegal weapons ring allegedly tied to terrorist groups. It turns out that one of the people recorded trying to arrange an arms deal with Randy Glass was Dr. Elamir’s own brother, Mohamed, an engineer, also a U.S. citizen now living in Egypt. And just listen to what he was interested in.
“There was a warehouse full of weapons in Italy that they needed shipped,” says Glass.
It was the spring of 1999. Mohamed Elamir explains that he wants false papers that would identify a shipment of weapons — as vegetables.
Randy Glass: “ But you’re talking about, they’re saying they wanna ship vegetables, right? Is what they want — is what they want on the paperwork, correct?”
Mohamed El Amir: “Yep.”
Then Randy Glass cuts to the chase.
Randy Glass: “Listen. My phone line is secure. And so I’m just gonna talk very open with you, OK?”
Mohamed El Amir: “Yep.”
Randy Glass: “OK. They want to ship things like tanks, correct?”
Mohamed El Amir: “Uh-huh.”
Glass: “OK. How... OK. In or— ”
Mohamed El Amir: “No, no, no, no. Just ammunition, not tanks.”
Randy Glass: “So they just wanna do basically, small arms and ammunition, right?”
Mohamed El Amir: “Yes.”

Did Mohamed give Glass any indication as to who was going to get these arms?
“Never got a chance to ask him,” says Glass.
Glass says federal agents told him to drop the matter.
So, what happened to the case? “Nothing,” says Glass.
There was no follow-up. “No,” says Glass.
Was this a missed opportunity? “Hundred percent,” says Glass.
And Randy Glass doesn’t know the half of it, because that same intelligence report that talks about Dr. Elamir also names his brother Mohamed as having ties to Osama bin Laden.”

So at this point we now have information that Dr. Magdy Elamir along with his brother Mohamed El Amir have ties to Osama Bin Laden and yet neither one of them is arrested. Randy Glass says in fact that “federal agents told him to drop the matter.”

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