was reviewed by VFW Commander John Furgess
The Veterans of Foreign Wars was interested in providing our troops with a system that would allow military personnel to stay connected with friends and family while they were deployed abroad. John Furgess, Commander of the VFW, visited online with our CEO, Joe Eichler, about the possibilities of
"ConnectFriend grew out of our desire to do something for our troops", said Joe Eichler. "We have a family member in Iraq right now and were surprised that there were no cost effective means of communication available to our troops" concluded Mr. Eichler. "Our concept is and will always be free service for our military and their family".
Mr. Furgess sitting in front of the webcam in full dress uniform remarked at how the world of communication had changed since he was in the military. "A postcard or a letter once a week was about all we had." The Commander further noted the additional features that would allow a soldier to pop-in and check the latest photos posted from home, read messages left by family members, listen to audio clips or view video clips from home all stored on the ConnectFriend servers.
The live video and audio messenger which is the centerpiece of ConnectFriend performed flawlessly during the meeting between Mr. Eichler and the Commander. The Commander expressed his appreciation for ConnectFriend and endorsed the technology for use by our troops.