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Beings of Peace and Charity

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Message carl gant

Beings of Peace and Charity

I am ashamed to call myself a citizen of this country and the world. I no longer want to live in this world of hate and violence, separatism, us against them, evil versus good, judgment, war, poverty, greed, pollution, ignorance, survivalism and unconsciousness. This is not my home. I want to give my life for peace and unconditional love.

I can no longer accept nuclear weapons and other mass destruction weapons as part of a humane and loving and supposed to be religious and God loving country and world. I want to be part of a movement of beings that will be true to their spirits, hearts and souls and not their egos. These beings must be ready to give their lives to follow the Christ Spirit example of unconditional love, which at the present time, especially after the events of September 11, 2001 is probably more unpopular than ever. Peacemakers will not have a voice or be one with God until we are genuine and are ready to risk our mortal bodies to save our immortal souls.

Jesus would be saying we are, each of us, sons and daughters of God or our source which is Love. This would be called blasphemy and insanity by the religious, including most Christians. The Christ spirit would be talking about and practicing the way of peace and nonviolence and overcoming evil with good.

At this time, about 90% of this country and probably most of the world indorse or accept violence as the way to overcome violence. Even when women and children are specifically included as possible targets, the percentage of acceptance is some 70% We sit in judgment of people we call terrorists while we are bombing and killing innocent women and children as they are starving to death.

Who are the terrorists? We can't see that our violence and our war mentality can only bring about more fear and hate, which we say we are trying to stop. We must love our enemies and besides when we really look at ourselves honestly, we will see that we are the enemy. We can never find true peace within ourselves as long as we think and act out of fear and hate.

The problem is that peace and unconditional love are considered anti-american and anti-christian right now. Those even talking about it are being censored, called terrorists (you're either with us or with the terrorists), traitors and other undesirable names.

We must no longer accept nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. Can't we see that even with the acceptance of these unspeakable horrors as possible weapons that we might as well have used them. Is that how far we want to carry this survival game of life of ours? Can't we understand that even if we get rid of the weapons today, that would only be a temporary solution if we don't also change our consciousness to one of unity and love for all.

I'm ready to give my life nonviolently for peace and for humanity. I'm looking for others to join me, but if not, I won't be alone because God is always with me, especially when I'm coming from and being unconditional love. What could be more meaningful in life than to be God's representative for peace and love in this world? I and each being on this earth are special sons and daughters of God. Each of us has unique gifts to offer the world. There is no one like me or you and there will never be, but we are all at the same time one with God and each other.

The church, religion, which is our soul, is dead right now. The spirit of God(Love) within me will no longer allow me to stay quiet when I know that, at some level, I'm a part of a country and a world, including most of the religious world, that uses weapons of power and force to prove they are right. Bombing innocent women and children is not right. Nuclear weaons are unacceptable, unspeakable horrors. War is not a solution to killing and violence. Spending fortunes on weapons and military while millions starve and live in fear is not what a God of love would have us do. God(Love) continues to give us a choice: We can choose fear, hate and survivalism leading to our own destruction or we can choose love and unity and bring heaven to earth.

The Kingdom of God is within; it is here, now or never and nowhere. My dream, my prayer, is that others will be willing to get out of their comfort zones and join me in trying to awake the world before we destroy ourselves. We, who are now the spiritually dead, will soon become history on this planet if we don't choose peace and unconditional love now. Each of us must now be the example of what we want the world to be. We must be: Beings of Peace and Charity.


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Love is my religion; the world is my family.
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Beings of Peace and Charity

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