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Setting Both Creationism and Science Straight

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Herman Cummings
Message Herman Cummings

Title:  Moses Didn't Write About Creation!
Paperback: 432 pages
Publisher: PublishAmerica (August 6, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1424182204
ISBN-13: 978-1424182206
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 1 inches

A new brand of creationism, which creationists and secular science are not familiar with is "Biblical Reality", which is better known as the "Observations of Moses".
This "Old Earth" brand of creationism puts forth the view that combines a seven 24-hr day week of original creation (Exodus 20:11), with a separate "six 12-hr days of revelation" given to Moses (Genesis 1:2 – 2:3).  The pseudo discrepancy between the "sixth day" in Genesis chapter one and in chapter two is explained as chapter two being the beginning of modern mankind(Adam & Eve), and chapter one as being an earlier species of prehistoric mankind in an earlier restoration period, more than 60 million years ago.
Biblical Reality is defined as the "ordained marriage" of Biblical Truth, and Scientific Reality.  Think of Biblical Truth as historical, present, or future data (information) that has been given to us by the words written in the Bible, or what we shall call "The Printed Word of God". It is events which took place in the past, that we may not presently be able to confirm outside of the Bible.

Scientific Reality is defined as "That which has been discovered and analyzed to be of true historical existence. That which has been observed to be a real occurrence or phenomena, whether or not it can be explained."  For example, the discoveries of the extinctions of life on Earth in what has been determined to be 245 Million BC (dimetrodons) and 65 Million BC (dinosaurs) is accepted as Scientific Reality

Biblical Reality teaches that there are no "creation accounts" in Genesis, and that "Moses Didn't Write About Creation!".  What is actually being said is "Moses wrote about Restoration".  Before the advent of "Biblical Reality", no faction of creationism could explain both the "first day" of Moses and the "Fourth Day", all being 24-hr days, without either denying literal interpretation or "redefining" the scriptures. 

The "six days of Moses" in Genesis chapter one are actually six consecutive (12 hour) days in 1598 BC that God revealed to Moses (on Mt. Sinai) from the ancient past.  Each day was from the first week of each of seven different geological eras in "biblical order".  The only day of Creation Week which Moses saw was the "Fourth Day".  Creation Week was 168 hours, in 4.6 Billion BC, according to the geologist

Herman Cummings
PO Box 1745
Fortson GA, 31808

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Author of the book, "The Sabbath That Assassinated Atheism", and promoter of teaching "the Observations of Moses". The book explains why Elijah and Enoch will rise from the dead on the Day of Trumpets.

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