Just because
our attacks in Iraq
are more modern, expensive
shock and awe combat
conducted long distance
with the most high-tech
overwhelming force to be had
as we strike
with "surgical precision"
in the streets of Baghdad
does not make us
more morally advanced
than kidnappers, beheaders
and suicide bombers
whose performances are demonized
while are our under-reported.
no moral discount available
for causing death and destruction
of a country wholesale.
And our values are not superior
because we pretend not to see
and don't show our handiwork on TV
in spite of the fact
there's nothing left TO see
but the infinitesimal
litter of humanity.
Denying the magnitude
and ferocity of our kills,
swaggering, bragging
about the freedom we'll instill
doesn't place us
on a higher plane of morality
than antiquated
in-plain-sight tactics
used by the "insurgency".
- Vi Ransel