WASHINGTON - In response to the House Armed Services and Foreign Affairs joint hearing with General Petraeus, Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) issued the following statement:
“This report to Congress represents a 4th quarter strategy to delay the inevitable. General Petraeus has been tasked with stalling Congress to keep the troops in the middle of a civil war.
“General Petraeus has failed to give Congress an independent assessment of the Iraq War. His statement sounds like the President’s talking points.
“Congress should not be mollified into accepting pre-surge troop levels. His talk of troop reductions is simply a dilatory tactic to mislead Congress. That is not progress, but a continuation of the failed strategy that has led us to our current predicament. The only worthy response is for Congress to demand the withdrawal of all troops.
“We do not have to fund the war. We must tell the President NO to any additional funding. No legislation is required. No vote is required. We have the money to bring the troops home. It does not require a vote. The only thing required is honesty, integrity and a willingness to end the war.”