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URGENT! Help Wanted: We Need Election Observers for Ohio!

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Paddy Shaffer
Message Paddy Shaffer
Announcing an American Citizens Call To Action! Please for the sake of this nation, take a minute and read this.

Election Observers are needed to oversee the Ohio Election process. We now have five state wide candidates that have come together and can legally have Election Observers for the fall general election. These Ohio candidates are
Dr. Robert Fitrakis, Dr. William Peirce, Dr. James Lundeen, Timothy Kettler, and Dr. John Eastman.

What does this mean? Ohio has over 11,000 precincts in 88 counties.

We need as many people to assist as we can get, this is how we begin to take back the current struggling voting system. Our observers must be "Qualified Electors". This means qualified Ohio voters. If you are from another state and can help, we have support roles that you could assist with.

We have proved fraud in the 2004 election. We hope that by closely watching 2006, the process will improve. If it doesn't, we will have documented what we were able to see with our own eyes. This will help to take legal action where needed, address the problems of the system, and to give credit where credit is due. This applies to things done well, and things done poorly.

We will need many people out on November 7th, 2006. All across Ohio. We need all kinds of people, including attorneys. Are you willing to travel to another county. If so, tell us. We will also need election observers to go to the Boards of Elections in advance of November 7th to look and see what is happening with the Absentee Ballots.

Please send names, addresses, and phone numbers immediately for anyone else you know able to help. If they can do a whole day, great, if they can only do a partial day, yes we need them.

If you have camera's, tape recorders, or video camera's, get them ready. We hope to be able to use them, I'll know soon. I need to mail off letters with names of people willing to go into all 88 counties, in the next few days. Please respond ASAP! We can add more names to any county we have people for by October 27th. Beyond the 27th we can add names up until 4:00 p.m. on November 6th, 2006. So we can take more helpers up until the end.

To anyone interested... I will follow this up with more information you will need. I don't want to make this too long, I hope people read it. Thanks for any and all help you can offer! Training will happen the weekend of October 28th. Details coming soon. Yes, we want people that don't use computers too. We will organize them by phone.

If interested, send the following information to Phil Fry, our project manager at phil@caseohio.org and (937) 362-4493.

Available for Nov. 7
All day Nov. 7th or a part day
Available before Nov. 7
Willing to travel to other counties.
Maximum distance you are willing to travel to other counties.
Do you have a camera, video camera, tape recorder?
Available to help with the preplanning?

Please forward this on to your lists. For people in Ohio and other states, if you want to know more about what is going on with the US elections and ways to help, look to the following sites for ideas.


Paddy Shaffer
Campaign Manager
Fitrakis for Governor
(614) 761-0621
(614) 266-5283
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Paddy Shaffer, Founder and Director of the Ohio Election Justice Campaign, is also an artist and art teacher. Paddy has been working with many other brave citizens to actively seek to put the evidence of fraud for the theft of the 2004 United States (more...)
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