I wondered. It was early 2000 then. There were many places I would have rather been, frankly. Over the preceding years I had learned slowly that John lied consistently; I also had learned that he lied with purpose.
You will remember John for his other political ploys, for instance inventing with Drudge the rumor that Sidney Blumenthal beat his wife. They lied in depositions, too, when Blumenthal hit them with a law suit. It was during Project Arkansas that John first floated the story about the Black Love Child. He told me the story one day when he called to chat. Because he called so frequently and always had a story that he told me not to repeat I had begun to wonder about his motives.
John Fund is a member of that group of NeoCon pundits and pontificators who act like arrested 11 year olds. But applying the rules of war to activities that are intended to promote peace is simply ugly and unworthy of any civilized individual.
I had known John for around twenty years at that point. When you know someone well you learn to listen to the expressions on their face; words can lie but people, very unintentionally, do tell us the truth despite themselves. Soon after that very informal dinner John was chased under his desk at the Wall Street Journal by John McCain. McCain had just suffered the defeat of the primary in South Carolina due to the rumor that he had a black love child. John, not particularly original, recycles rumors. John Fund was the political operative qua journalist who inserted the rumor where it would do the most good. The rumor hit the mill just before the primary; too late for McCain to respond, soon enough to work.
There are many ways to cheat; the gig to write the book on elections was a consolation prize because John had been rejected for a job as Bush Speechwriter.
The mention of the book and the look on John's face told me that there was an agenda; this was not just a book. Then, I did not understand. With time all things change.
The book, “Stealing Elections,” was written as cover for plans already in motion. When did those Diebold Machines have their software installed? Who wrote it? We really need a time line here.
When his book hit the market John was disappointed that it did not get more of the same kind of treatment that routinely is accorded to Ann Coulter's vitriolic offerings. But he was supposed to have finished it several years before, so what could he expect? Disinformation tools have deadlines.
Diebold Machines, purged lists, a book that positions election fraud as committed primarily by Democrats; When you put the means for stealing in place in advance it is no accident. This corporate strategy, intended to cement the control of their markets so that America becomes one big company town, is theft on a scale that boggles the mind.
The means for stealing elections have multiplied over the years. No new technology is left unplumbed for its possibilities for ensuring the corporations their continued stream of income.
John and his cadre of pundits and media personalities, for instance Sean Hannity, simulate popular opinion. Their think tanks, like Cato, are to persuade us to accept their ideas. They are paid a lot, so they must know, right?
When the Rockefellers were stealing elections in NY using the old machines it was just business as usual. To control the legislation and policy of government you must control who takes office. Therefore, if you have the money you find all the means for doing just that.
In the years since Rockefeller laid out the game plan by which corporations have colluded with government to nail Americans in place as 'consumers' without real choices, forced to subsidize the costs for developing technology that is then handed over to those same corporations, some things have changed. Now, there are ever more ways that elections and the ballot can be manipulated.
Last year an old friend of mine, Gene Rose, a journalist for 30 years, who had always voted Democrat found he had been purged when he tried to vote in the primary. He had never missed voting until that day. That same year Mrs. Marilyn Blankenship found that her Diebold Machine in Texas refused to leave the X next to the Libertarian candidate she wanted to receive her vote. It magically flew over to the sleazy Republican.
Through the 90s the same NeoCons found that it was wise to eliminate that awkward possibility that a candidate that was not on 'their team' would win by beginning before the primary to make sure that both candidates were acceptable to them. Primaries are cheaper to fund.
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