In a press release issued March 23, 2007, the Green Party of Washington State condemned the Democratic resolution calling for US troop withdrawal from Iraq by 2008, calling it a "phony antiwar posture to give Democrats an advantage in 2008 . . . if Democrats really oppose the war, they should demand a cutoff of war funding and the immediate return of all US troops."
By voting for the supplemental funding, the Democrats have now bought the Iraq war. The American people gave the Democrats a mandate to end this war and in return are getting double talk. Here in Washington state, Rep. Jim McDermott's vote was especially disappointing since he is considered one of the leading liberals in the House. Instead of taking the high road, he allowed the DLC to lead him by the nose. He and fellow Washington state Democrats, Jay Inslee, Brian Baird, Adam Smith, Rick Larsen, and Norm Dicks have done a great disservice to the people they represent.
McDermott said in an interview with Matthew Daly, AP reporter, AWhat we have before us is the first step. And despite my serious misgivings about it, it is the only step in the right direction, which is out of Iraq.@ Is that true?
This is what McDermott and the other members of the Progressive Caucus have given President Bush. The supplemental funding bill (1) provides another $100 billion to continue the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, (2) does not prevent expansion of the war to Iran, (3) calls for pulling out half the troops from Iraq by August 2008 but exempts whole categories of troops from the withdrawal, for example those troops Atraining the Iraqi military,@ troops engaged in Aspecial operations,@ and troops Aprotecting diplomatic enclaves,@ (4) does not require troops withdrawn from Iraq be sent home, i.e. they can be immediately deployed to Afghanistan, bases in surrounding Arab countries, ships in Persian Gulf, or to attack Iran, (5) includes a waiver for President Bush to simply state his intention to override restrictions in the bill, allowing him to send in as many untrained, badly equipped and exhausted troops as he wishes, (6) does nothing to close existing permanent US bases in Iraq, (7) allows 90% of the mercenaries who fight alongside the US military to remain in Iraq, (8) does not end the occupation of Iraq, and (9) does not prohibit an unprovoked attack on Iran.You cannot be against the war and fund the war at the same time.
It is disingenuous for our representatives to imply this bill was the best they could do. If Pelosi and other House leaders had put as much energy into defunding the war as they put into this bill, the outcome may have been different. Certainly, if they know they can "buy" votes by bailing out spinach growers in Rep. Sam Farr's California district, for example, then obviously they know how to get bills passed--or at least those bills they want to get passed.Instead, they chose not to fight for defunding this illegal and immoral war and are now busy giving us the defense that, as lawmakers, they know better than the American voter. By their actions and their rhetoric, they are proving to be part of the same political monster. In spite of their words prior to the election, their actions prove that indeed the monster has two heads.
By taking the stand of opposition to this supplemental funding bill, the Green Party is showing itself to be the true antiwar political party. Now is the time to support the Green Party as a way to end the corruption of this one-party political system. Go to to support the Green Party of Washington State. For those outside of Washington state, the national web site is . Time is running out.
Political activist living on Vashon Island in the state of Washington. Former Chair of Green Party of Washington State (GPoWS); member of Green Party Peace Network; member of StandUp! Seattle; and Jewish peace activist supporting a one-state (more...)