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A Conservative in '08?

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Mary sSarrett
Message Mary Starrett


The Constitution Party (www.constitutionparty.com), the country's  largest third  party, expressed optimism in light of Thursday's GOP presidential debate sponsored by MSNBC and politico.com calling the presence of solid constitutionalists "a glimmer of hope." The debate, the first for GOP hopefuls, showcased 10 announced candidates. "It's unusual for mainstream media to give any kind of voice to true conservative candidates" said Constitution Party National Committee Chairman Jim Clymer. "Typically, voters don't even know they're running. Usually, media debates just trot out the usual suspects who represent the hyper-liberal agenda of the ruling parties. It's that agenda that's causing the Republican Party base to scatter and look elsewhere for solace," Clymer added. "The GOP 'front-runners' who've been given the most media attention- former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Arizona Senator John McCain and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney- couldn't hold a candle to conservatives like Texas Congressman Ron Paul and Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo in Thursday night's debate" . "While Giuliani and the others were fumbling to remember their high school civics lessons and what's written in the United States Constitution, Rep. Paul's remarks  throughout the debate made it clear to Americans that he places principle above politics. Congressman Paul is the ONLY elected official in D.C. who can claim a 100% constitutionally-sound voting record. 2008 is going to be a really good year for Democrats unless conservative voters have a viable choice other than the so-called front-runners" Clymer further noted. Congressman Ron Paul early on distinguished himself from the other candidates by pointing to the blatant unconstitutionality of the Iraq war. When asked by moderator Chris Matthews if all the other candidates were "wrong" on their pro-war stance, Paul shot back saying: "Are 70% of the American people wrong because they want us out of Iraq?" Dr. Paul's comments on the wisdom of following the Constitution by being "non-interventionist" as the Founders intended was the first of many volleys showing his understanding that only a return to constitutionally-based government would restore our republic. Dr. Paul was the long-sought voice for Americans who long for a reigned-in federal government. Paul spoke to several of the issues the Constitution Party has championed including abolishing the IRS, repealing the intrusive REAL ID Act ("in a free society we don't need a national ID card") and ending entitlement programs.  While most of those who occupied the stage at the Reagan Presidential Library Thursday night made a point of saying they were "pro-life", flip-flops and stated support for embryonic stem cell research showed just who was- and wasn't- a  legitimate champion of the unborn. In the end, it was Congressman Tom Tancredo who best summed up the hope of those Americans for whom the abortion issue is still a litmus test for elected officials. In answer to a question concerning the overturning of Roe v. Wade, Tancredo boldly proclaimed: "It would be the greatest day in American history." Thursday night's debate highlighted issues the 'front-runners' for the GOP nomination typically leave off their agendas: the outsourcing of American jobs, the ravages of the illegal invasion and assaults on the 4th amendment- like warrant-less wiretaps 'no-knock' searches.  In a recent The Washington Times article (http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20070208-115658-7902r.htm) prominent conservatives bemoaned the lineup of 'front-runners' vying for the Republican presidential nomination. Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly said that  none of the 'top three' GOP contenders (Giuliani, McCain, Romney) would get her vote, because of their stands on issues like immigration, abortion and same-sex marriage.

The article also quoted Christian Josi, senior vice president of Dezenhall Resources, a Washington-based public relations firm, as saying: "I am a conservative. I have had all I can stomach of Republicans... it is very clear that McCain and Giuliani both...have significant problems with key elements of the Bill of Rights...and that is frightening". The CP, America's third largest party, based on voter registrations, (www.ballot-access.org) applauds MSNBC for including Congressmen Ron Paul and Tom Tancredo in Thursday's debate. "Voters have finally put their collective feet down and demanded that all those seeking the Republican nomination- and not just the GOP's liberal elite- be included in debates." Clymer remarked. The Constitution Party also applauds the recent decision to extend invitations to all 10 Republican White House hopefuls to the next debate scheduled for May 15th in South Carolina. The debate will be broadcast by the FOX News Channel. The decisions to include all 10 candidates is being viewed as an effort by the Republicans to try and reclaim an increasingly disenchanted  conservative base which for years, has been leaving its ranks. "As the 'Big Box' parties started looking more and more alike, the predictable lack of choice at the ballot meant a lot of voters either held their noses and voted for the 'lesser of two evils' or else sat out elections altogether" noted Clymer. That trend was evidenced as far back as 1999 when a Zogby poll showed 1/3 of the voters said they wanted to see a third party candidate in the (presidential) race and 42 percent said they would consider voting for such a candidate.   Statistics show fully 1/4 of all voters nation-wide are registered as independent or as members of a 'third party'. For over a decade this has been the largest growing segment of voter registrations . "Absent a truly conservative Republican candidate in '08 means there could be even more interest in thinking outside the (Big) box for voters", Clymer predicted .  "Flip Floppers like McCain, Romney, and Giuliani haven't fooled the Republican base on issues they care about .The Constitution Party readies  a viable, pro-life, pro-secure borders, pro-gun rights candidate to offer voters  come November '08 if the likes of Paul or Tancredo don't wind up being the GOP candidate for president in '08. That's a promise!" Clymer stated.                                                   

   About the Constitution Party: Recognized as a national party by the Federal Election Commission, the 15 year old political party derives its platform from the Founders' intent as outlined in the United States Constitution. Having achieved ballot access in 41 and 36 states in 2000 and 2004 respectively, while the party was on fewer state ballots in 2004, the vote tally increased by 40% compared to the 2000 elections while other 'alternative' parties lost ground.                                                                                                  

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Former TV news anchor,radio talk show host, '06 Oregon gubernatorial candidate, currently Communications Director for Constitution Party
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