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'Daily Voting News' For April 01, 2008

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Message John Gideon
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org As of today the New Jersey Secretary of State takes over all election duties from the Attorney General. This could change the state's opinion on the Sequoia issue. Will the SOS be an advocate for the county election officials or side with the vendor? Time will tell.

A software error from Diebold is responsible for the revelation that John McCain won the Nov. general election.

Iowa Governor Culver signed legislation today that forces counties who use DREs to now purchase optical-scan machines. Another state added to the long list of states who have turned their backs on DREs and the voting machine industry that supports DREs....

  • NAtional: Diebold software error reveals John McCain to win Nov. 4 election LINK
  • NAtional: Diebold Launches Initiative to 'Care' About Things No, Seriously... LINK
  • NAtional: No Clearance for von Spakovsky LINK
  • NAtional: Hearing Highlights Mixed Compliance, DoJ Inaction on Public Assistance Voter Registration Requirement LINK
  • CA: CA Post-election tally reports now online at SoS site LINK
  • CO: Colorado Petition Draws Charges of Deception LINK
  • IA: State to require paper ballots LINK
  • IA: Secretary of State warns of long lines on November 4 LINK
  • IA: Iowa Adopts Statewide Paper Ballot System for November 2008 LINK
  • IA: Culver signs into law $5 million voting system upgrade LINK
  • IA: Governor Culver signs voting machine bill LINK
  • IA: Culver signs bill for voting system upgrades LINK
  • MO: St Louis County - County voting system tamper-proof LINK
  • NC: NC Registration "Unprecedented" LINK
  • NC: Burke County - County commissioners approve voting machines LINK
  • NJ: Control of elections shifts from the AG to state department LINK
  • OH: Athens County - Commissioner race tie rests on recount results LINK
  • OH: Franklin County - Scrutiny of 700 ballots foretells fall frustration Elections panel joins in tedious resolution of disputed votes LINK
  • PA: Bucks County - Voters file new petition to move polling place LINK
  • PA: Mercer County - County's voting machines good for now LINK
  • SC: Florence County - Florence to ask county elections commission to hold municipal primaries LINK
  • SC: Richland County - Problem fixed in Ward 17 LINK
  • TX: District 73 - Recount doesn't sway District 73 candidate Calling for a new vote, Macias refuses to concede LINK
  • TX: District 73 - Macias lawsuit challenges March 4 defeat LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**
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    John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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