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'Daily Voting News' For May 9, 2007

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Message John Gideon
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of VotersUnite.org Brian Chess, chief scientist of Fortify Software [United Kingdom] has gone on record as saying, "As with any computerised system, e-voting machines can be subject to programming errors and malicious tampering. With evidence in the States clearly showing that the voting machine certification process is flawed, how can any citizen be expected to trust this new system?" California SOS Debra Bowen asks and answers: "Are our voting systems secure, accurate, reliable and accessible?" "There's good reason for asking the question. In December 2005, California discovered voting system programming code that escaped the review of federal testers. On May 2, 2007, a congressional task force voted to investigate anomalies in 2006 election results in Florida's 13th Congressional District. These are just two examples that have fueled the debate about whether the systems voters are asked to cast their ballots on are trustworthy and whether the testing processes used to certify voting systems are adequate." ...
  • NAtional: House Admin Committee Unanimously Votes to Dismiss 4 of 5 Federally Contested 2006 House Elections LINK
  • NAtional: Enough Is Enough: Federalize Elections LINK
  • NAtional: Voter-Verified Paper Ballots One Step Closer LINK
  • NAtional: House panel approves e-voting paper trails LINK
  • CA: Secretary of State Debra Bowen Unveils Details On Top-to-Bottom Review of California's Voting Systems Scheduled To Begin Next Week LINK
  • CA: Top-To-Bottom Review Summary LINK
  • CA: Frequently Asked Questions About Secretary of State Debra Bowen's Top-To-Bottom Review of California's Voting Systems LINK
  • CA: CA to Conduct Unprecedented $1.8 Million Review of Voting Systems with UC LINK
  • CA: Bowen wants hack-free voting systems LINK
  • CT: Lawmaker questions voters' privacy LINK
  • CT: Old Lever Voting Machines Free for Taking LINK
  • FL: Sworn Affidavits Signed By Voters Aren't Evidence??? LINK
  • FL: Editorial - Landslide of problems from new elections law LINK
  • FL: FL-13 - Candidate asks courts to let Congress decide election dispute LINK
  • FL: Charlotte County - Horton: Paper ballots will cost millions LINK
  • IN: Marion County - Voters shut out in Marion County In a chaotic day, 5 precinets fail to open; 45 others open late LINK
  • IN: Marion County - Polling problems plague Marion County primary LINK
  • IN: Marion County - White ran on promise to improve elections Clerk said she would deal with trouble at ballot box by training poll workers better LINK
  • IN: Marion County - Election follow-up delayed LINK
  • IN: Marion County - Democrats and Republicans Finger Pointing Over Election Flaws LINK
  • IN: Randolph County - Randolph machines actually tally votes this time LINK
  • NY: Rensselaer County - Liberty voting machines programmed under watchful eyes LINK
  • NY: Rensselaer County - Officials Hope New Voting Machines Fix the Problem LINK
  • OH: Cuyahoga County board has calm start LINK
  • OH: Voting smooth for Cuyahoga County LINK
  • PA: Allegheny County - County Voters Can Expect More Privacy At The Polls LINK
  • UK: Why e-voting won't save democracy LINK
  • UK: Spoilt votes tally could be 140,000 LINK
  • **"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**
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    John is the Executive Director of VotersUnite.Org
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