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Christian Ethiopia bombs Islamic Neighbor on Christmas Day

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Jay Janson
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If any of us 'Christians' noticed, Ethiopia, a largly Christian country, bombed on Christmas Day, neighboring Somalia, which had not attacked it, continuing belligerent military actions of interference in Somalia's civil war. Somalia is a Muslim nation, so the world has another 'jihad' ongoing, and is witnessing still another Islamic nation being invaded by a Christian one.

Read up on the history of the U.S. backing war lords to the dissatisfaction of enough Somalians to occasion the successful present rebellion for law and order (albeit Islamic law), and then try to figure out why the Somalians seem to be destined for more homicidal suffering. And why U.S. actions might be again fostering an increase in Muslim animosity and al-Qaeda recruits in the name of a righteous defense of an Islamic nation being invaded.

The western-backed government administration controls just the western town of Baidoa, near the Ethiopian border, but the U.N. Security Council has authorized an African force to protect the weak Somalia government as the U.S. suspects ties to al-Qaeda within the Islamic Courts government, all influencing Ethiopia's decision to use its powerful army and air force, sending troops and tanks into Somalia, while Eritrea and other Islamic nations are helping the conquering "Islamic Courts of Somalia" side. Whew!

If I were Somalian, I would sure wish someone out there could tell me why after witnessing my country's destruction as switching side pawn of the cold war, must now become a pawn in the present confrontations spilling out of the Mid-east and affecting nearly the whole planet in one way or another.

Are there any other planetary citizens out there also wanting at least to know exactly why this agony has to go forward?
a Jay Janson,
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Jay Janson is an archival research peoples historian activist, musician and writer; has lived and worked on all continents; articles on media published in China, Italy, UK, India, in Germany & Sweden Einartysken,and in the US by Dissident (more...)

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