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NASA Taken Over By Military

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International Space Agency
Message International Space Agency (ISA)
Three Important Comments! No Beating Around The Political Bush!

The Truth! A Very Odd And Strange & Rare Concept These Days!

1) NASA is not a civilian space agency, and today is "very strongly" controlled by National Defense and Military Planners. The cover-ups and bad culture in NASA presently is due from the Military Secretive Mind Set controlling Civilian & Scientific Thinkers. This does not work, and has always through out Human History led to corruption and tyranny! In fact, the former President Eisenhower of the United States warned sternly of the Military Industrial Complex gaining "Too Much Control and Influence" over the United States Domestic Civilian "Private" Sectors. Even Aerospace Pioneers like Burt Rutan has the Men in Black at his door step, threatening to shut him down or worse, if he sells his space technology to anyone else other than the United States Government "Military & National Security". Clear and Simple, ANYTHING related to Space Exploration has Military & National Security applications, and so the Civilian Human Space Effort "Commercial, Scientific, Private" has been severely retarded and undermined by Military & National Security zealots seeking dominance and world control at any cost. The civilians and private sector MUST regain control of NASA, or any civilian space enterprise or efforts will never happen, and will always be under the thumb of the Military & National Security Community. Military & National Security are valid and needed communities, but MUST NOT be able to dominate domestic "private" civilian space endeavors, as is presently the case. The U.S. Congress and the American People, MUST, CLEARLY SEPARATE, and compartmentalize the U.S. Space Policy and Programs, into Civilian "Commercial, Scientific, Private" Sector and Military & National Security Sector.

2) Permanent Manned Presence in Earth Orbit, Luna, Mars, and in Space, MUST be the focus and goal of the United States Space Policy and Globally. Humanity MUST gain a solid foothold on the Space Frontier for any MEANINGFUL progress of Scale, Scope, and Duration to ever occur!

3) Human Space Endeavors of the Scale, Scope, and Duration of things like Robust Fully Reusable Space Launch & Return System or Program, Large Orbital Space Platforms & Infrastructure, Luna & Mars Missions & Bases & Exploration, and any Advanced Solar or Extra-Solar Missions & Bases & Exploration, are clearly outside the ability or capability of National Governments or Private Organizations. The United Nations is NOT the proper organization to be the focal point for a global human space effort. The International Space Agency (ISA) Organization is the proper and correct venue in which to focus and carry out the global human space effort. This is the best way to reduce the massive waste of resources, manpower, and financial assets, which is presently the case under National Confrontation and Rivalry. Also, the international focused and combined resources of Earths Governments, and Commercial, Scientific, Academic, and Private Sectors & Communities will propel humanity into the Space Frontier in a rapid and massive way; which to date has not be feasible under the present National Rivalry System based on Conflict and Military Dominance.

NASA will NEVER achieve in a stand alone mentality a Base on Luna or a Manned Missions to Mars, with out doing so through the International Space Agency (ISA) Organization. Neither will any other National Space Agency or Private Organization do so in a likewise stand alone mentality.

For the Public Record, the International Space Agency (ISA) Organization is NOT against NASA neither does it seek to eliminate NASA in any way! Furthermore, the International Space Agency (ISA) is NOT against the reality, and need for, National Security and Military sector and communities. Only that the death grip by the National Security and Military sector and communities on the Civilian "Commercial, Scientific, Private" Space Sectors, must be controlled, curtailed, and clearly separated. No more and no less! Also the International Space Agency (ISA) Organization feels very strongly, and has suggested since the early 1990's, that the United Nations "Office of Outer Space Affairs" be totally separated from the United Nations and then streamlined into the NEW and GROWING International Space Agency (ISA) Organization, and that the International Space Station (ISS) Program should also be streamlined into the NEW and GROWING International Space Agency (ISA) Organization.

We also hope to reach out to the Global Space Community for help and support in the International Space Agency (ISA) Organizations Vision, Purpose, Goals, Mission, and Efforts. We are asking for the National Space Agencies of the World to join the ISA Organization. We also ask the Major Space Corporations, Scientific & Academic Organizations, and Private Space Societies & Groups to also join the ISA Organization.

The Human Space Effort must be conducted in a more focused, peaceful, and beneficial way then it has been done in the past or as is presently being conducted. The present National Adversarial Approach and Military Over Influence on the Human Space Effort has retarded any major or meaningful progress in the Human Space Effort. For the Human Space Effort to achieve true Totally Reusable & Routine Orbital Capability (ie: International Space Plane Program and International Launch & Return); Routine Earth Orbital Operations & Robust Infrastructure; Luna Missions, Bases, and Exploration; Mars Missions, Bases, and Exploration; Solar System Missions, Bases, and Exploration; and maybe one day (If Humanity has not destroyed itself by Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, or some other Means like Global Warming and Environmental Destruction, or some Major Natural Catastrophic Event like a Planet Killing Asteroid or Comet, Freak Solar Flare, or other such event of scale in the natural domain.) Humanity may truly reach for the stars by traveling to other star systems and distant places in this infinite creation of the Universe which surrounds our tiny speck of sand, called Planet Earth.

The International Space Agency (ISA) is needed, even though there will always be those seeking exclusive control of the Human Space Effort for Power, Control, Profit, and Military Dominance. Sadly, this is the evil of Human Nature. However, the International Space Agency (ISA) Organization and its Vision, Purpose, Goals, and Present Efforts can offer Humanity an opportunity to reach beyond its shortcomings and to reach beyond National Rivalry and Strife, and indeed beyond the present National Capability and Scope.

We ask for your help, support, and understanding.

Thank You, for your Time and Support.

An International Space Agency (ISA)!
An Idea Whose Time Has Come!

Ad-Astra! "To The Stars!"
In Peace For All Mankind!

Humbly In Your Service,


From The ISA Global Team
International Space Agency, I.S.A.
International Space Administration
Web 1: http://www.international-space-agency.org
Web 2: http://www.international-space-agency.net
Web 3: http://www.isa-hq.com
Phone: (402) 299-2799
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