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The solution for Iraq: Impeachment of Bush

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Gustav Wynn
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Convincing evidence shows us today Iraq did not have the WMDs or "ties to Al Qaeda" the President and his cabinet told Congress, the public and the world. We also know that Bush and pals knew THEN that this was not so. The vague admission "mistakes were made" was all that was ever offered by way of accountability for the current debacle in Iraq. Heightened attacks and increasing deaths of U.S. troops and Iraqis today punctuate the current "worst ever" status of Bush's plan to occupy Iraq. Only two weeks ago did we learn that Henry Kissinger, one of the original architects of the Vietnam War, is a major advisor to Bush today.

Perhaps the biggest obstacle to changing strategy in Iraq is Bush's ego, his refusal to admit failure and the prolonged continuance of vague justifications (such as "we need to spread liberty") for us being there despite every indication we have proven ineffective. The mountains of evidence now lining bookstore walls suggest that from the start, the facts were fixed around the evidence, and speaking of the Downing Street Memos, Bush has STILL never denied that he suggested having a UN plane shot down in Iraq, among other niceties...surely he fears someone has him on tape somewhere.

I love my country but I cannot support unethical behavior and will not excuse it. I believe GIs are dying because Bush and his cronies refuse to endure the political damage that will come from relenting to a change in strategy. With the eyes of the world upon us, it is time to cut and run -- not from Iraq --- from Bush. We are still a well-loved and respected country, for all the good that we do the world over, but we are guilty of appeasing our errant leadership for too long now. What was an understandable period in which it took time for all the facts to come out and be debated -- is now over. The facts are out and on the table and now we need to signal to the world, and more importantly ourselves, whether we are for Bush's vaguely explained Iraq agenda or against it.

I see a new era in the Mid East following the impeachment of Bush, Cheney and Rice. They would have us believe that we'd be less safe, but the American people have already stated they believe the opposite to be true. I see a new plan of attack, directed at the Taliban on the Afghanistan/Pakistan border where Osama bin Laden is believed to be hiding. I see a fresh era of careful Congressional oversight of the War on Terror under new, strict scrutiny determining effectiveness and reviewing all costs for wrongdoing. Impeachment of Bush is our best hope of regaining the lost credibility that should exist between a people and their government, and regaining the moral imperative lost when our military began torturing people, detaining people with insufficient evidence, and being painted as rogues after various criminal scandals broke.

I believe there is enough solid proof to surmise Bush/Cheney and pals acted unethically from the start of his first term during the energy meetings with lying CEOs, continuing on during the election rigging which included phone-jamming schemes tied right to the White House, then ignoring specific 911 warnings, implementing malodorous signing statements, pathetic and apathetic behavior during and after Hurricane Katrina, abuse of taxpayer funds in creation of illegal propaganda and misuse of the Faith-Based Initiatives offices, also privatizing security contracts and so much more, laid bare by so many top sources.

After almost 6 years of influence over all three branches of government, there is only so much Bush and his supporters can lay at the feet of democrats, previous presidents or anyone else. Bush has had all the benefit of the doubt imaginable, yet we are still in a miserable state under his leadership. This is an ethics-check for all Americans, regardless of party, political inclination or social status. When something is wrong, it needs to be righted. If Bush is not investigated, we are part and parcel of the problem - lack of ethics in the United States.
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(OpEdNews Contributing Editor since October 2006) Inner city schoolteacher from New York, mostly covering media manipulation. I put election/finance reform ahead of all issues but also advocate for fiscal conservatism, ethics in journalism and (more...)

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