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PBS national airing "Voter Confidence" segment TODAY 3/6 pm PST

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Dan Ashby
Message Dan Ashby
I have just learned from reporter Spencer Michaels, who interviewed me in Ocober,

that the 8-minute news segment on "voter confidence" that was aired a few months back on KQED TV news ("This Week in Northern California")

will be aired in a slightly revised and expanded form TODAY on the McNeil News Hour (PBS).

The shows airs at 3:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Pacific / Noon and 3:00 pm Eastern / 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. Central

and includes interviews with Debra Bowen, Registrar Steven Weir, David Dill, and myself, for Election Defense Alliance.

The segment appears at about 40 minutes into the program, and runs about 10 minutes.

So, at 3:40 or 6:40 pm Pacific you can see this on national television.

If anyone is able to capture the video and send it to EDA, that would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,

Dan Ashby

E-mail: ca.voteraction@sbcglobal.net
Phone: 510-233-2144
Voicemail and Fax: 510-740-0572
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Dan Ashby is a co-founder of the Election Defense Alliance (ElectionDefenseAlliance.org)
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