A couple of weeks ago I wrote a story involving the timeline of the Ricin discovery in a Las Vegas hotel room pointing out all the discrepancies I found in the reporting that had been done on the case. Yesterday a follow up story was released by the Associated Press and featured on Yahoo’s front page as a headline.
The update continues to confuse with its vague language and further muddies the timeline and information reported in the original stories.
When the original story broke we were told the victim who may or may not be responsible for his own exposure to the Ricin was in a coma in a Las Vegas hospital. Yesterday’s updated story states that the victim’s family members said the victim, 57-year-old Roger Bergendorff, was sedated on Feb 23rd. This is before the story broke in the media.
Was Bergendorff just sedated all this time? Why was he so heavily sedated that authorities and the press reported he was in a coma? And why are the authorities only now able to speak with him if he was indeed only sedated?
In a case involving a substance on the list of potential WMDs that could be used against America, what was the hold up on gathering information? We already know by previous accounts that authorities botched the initial investigation by tainting the crime scene, but to not question a victim or potential suspect because he is merely heavily sedated makes little sense.
The update mentions that “several” vials of Ricin were found. The previous stories all stated there were only two vials found - two vials that were found by a family member AFTER authorities had supposedly thoroughly searched the hotel room. How many vials of Ricin were really found in the hotel room? Were they all found by the family member? Were more vials found on a different day? Is the family member who found the Ricin a person of interest? Inquiring minds want to know.
But wait, there’s more. The original story stated an anarchist textbook was discovered in the room , along with weapons. Now, the number and type of book is said to be “three anarchist cookbooks,” all marked to pages about producing Ricin. When were these other two books found and by whom?
I also wonder about Ricin exposure so serious that a man is made seriously ill, possibly becoming comatose, but animals also in the room did not suffer a similar fate.
There are many unanswered questions in this case, and it seems misinformation is being released intentionally as well. In light of our False Flag history and our government's burning desire to go to war with Iran we must be cautious over this Ricin story and ask ourselves why there are so many discrepancies, who stands to gain from a story like this, and what exactly is the truth?