Miracle of miracles 9/11 Truth and the controlled demolition theory made it to the mainstream via the ABC News website thanks to Wille Nelson.
Thank you Willie!
With this opportunity wide open now is the time to bombard ABC News to not only bring Willie back, but to bring him to the news desk. Contact ABC News today. Copy/Paste the following or write your own:
ABC News,
I am very happy to have come across the Willie Nelson/911 interview on your website. Sept. 11th, 2001 was an American tragedy and America deserves real answers from real news sources to the many valid questions that are surfacing about what really happened that day.
Please bring Willie back to ABC along with a panel of the current researches looking into the controlled demolition theory of all three WTC Towers: Dr Stephen Jones & Richard Gage-AIA. It would also be beneficial to your story to include Ray McGovern along with David Ray Griffin in this panel.
I applaud ABC for taking some initiative in this urgent matter. False flag operations are not theories and they are certainly nothing new.
REF URL: http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=4244526
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