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Bryan Daugherty
Message Bryan Daugherty
Tricklepolenomics: a political philosophy which governs all domestic and foreign policies by removing those barriers whether moral, judicial or otherwise, which hinder the accumulation of wealth by the affluent. These individuals, who remain closely tied with policymakers direct their political, corporate, social and religious influences upon their target country's population. 'By any means' policies seek to dismantle laws and regulations which restricts their agenda. Wealth is classified as information or property that has a monetary or exchange value, as well as any material to sustain political rule. By practice, the suspension of certain civil rights and liberties upon those governed are common. The use of fear in all forms of media condition the populace in consenting to doctrines that permit those in authority absolute rule.
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The Evolution of Thought Institute is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that was established for the betterment of mankind. All posted information is derived from individuals with a vast spectrum of knowledge from (more...)

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