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Re-Media needs you to help Be The Media

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andi novick
Message andi novick
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Dear friends,

We could really use your help. The issue that Re-Media will be discussing at upcoming film screenings and a panel forum first weekend in June, has been described by seasoned activists and regular patriots as the worst crisis of our history. We need to be the media and spread the word, with your help.


The Declaration of Independence provides that governments are instituted to secure our inalienable rights deriving their just power from the consent of the governed. The mechanism by which we exercise our consent are elections, which must remain under the people's authority. If the people lose control, they've lost their ability to be a free, self-governing people. Since the passage of the 2002 Help America Vote Act the people living in 49 states of the Union have been required to give up control of their elections and have their votes counted in secret, on computers, owned by private corporations. The government's own technical advisors (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and the Government Accountability Office as well as computer scientists in numerous university studies all agree there is no such thing as tamper-proof software. These reports have shown how easily a single person could rig a major election without detection. Moreover, the evidence that the count has been tampered with in the last 4 elections is shocking, albeit largely unreported and misrepresented in main stream media.

To permit the counting of our votes to be concealed from the public is to permit the loss of democracy. New York is the only state that hasn't purchased electronic voting machines. Since the software in all computers, be they touch screen (DREs) or Optical Scanners, is incontrovertibly capable of being tampered with, there is no way to know that the votes were accurately counted as cast, based on the computer tally. We can however adopt simple protocols wherein we securely count our votes by hand, on election night, and know with certainty that the result of the election is correct.


Re-media is making an all-out effort to reach as many people as possible with this critical information not reported in the establishment media. We will be holding film screenings throughout May and June and present a panel of experts, the first weekend of June. We need help to reach more communities.

Please consider taking on a screening in your community. If you've not held screenings before, just call your local town hall or library (you will need a DVD projector which many of these places have) and then just set up some dates for screening these films. You can do house parties. We will make copies of the DVDs available to you. We can come and answer questions during the post screening discussions. We can help publicize the screenings. We will have reviews of the films posted on our website that you can use.

If you're part of an organization, please tell us your group will endorse the forum and encourage their members to come.


"This issue is so critical. There's no tanks rolling down Pennsylvania Ave for us to observe causing Americans to say - "oh my god, there's been a military take over. Let's go form a resistance- The genius of doing this through massive election fraud is that it doesn't provoke resistance... Instrumental to doing that is the discounting of the public voice as represented by their voice."

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