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Press Ignores Paul GOP-Debate Win

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Alex Wallenwein
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The stranglehold of the mainstream (and even most of the so-called “alternative”) press on information they deem “unsafe” for the American public’s consumption has suffered a fatal blow.

According to the MSNBC post-debate poll, the very network that carried the first GOP Presidential Primary Debate, Ron Paul won hands down - but you wouldn’t know that if you read only the usual press accounts of the event.

The headlines seen from a Google News search using the keyword “debate”, at the time of this writing show only this:

“John McCain Wins First GOP Debate” (Fox News)

“Who Won the First GOP Presidential Debate?
(Answer provided in article: “Mitt Romney” - National Review Online)

"Republican Presidential Debate Gives No Clue on GOP Leader in Race”
(Axcess News)

Apparently the Axcess News editors don't have a clue - unlike actual debate viewers.

A news search for the keywords “won debate” reveals this:

“Noonan, Pundits: Romney Won Debate” (NewsMax)

"Giuliani Wary of Repeal of Roe” (Washington Times)

No need to go any further with this. Only one outlet (Earth Times) showed a headline that Ron aul won - but it was just a reprint of the Paul campaign’s post-debate news release, not an actual valuation by a media outlet’s reporter or pundit.

Unsurprisingly, not a single report of the actual political news story of the decade, namely, that a virtually unknown “dark horse” beats even the media favorite Romney handily - and utterly crushes the rest of the field.

Now you know why you can’t believe the press. Wanna bet the South Carolina debate will not have a post-debate poll published? After all, Fox News is the network chosen to carry it. Read this account of how Fox is trying to control the event. They don’t want to mess up the party for their
home boy, Mitt “Conme”.

Just in order to preserve the evidence (in case someone at MSNBC might consider tampering ith it later), I kept screen shots of the actual poll results and printed a hard-copy as well. You never know.

(Image by Unknown Owner)   Details   DMCA

Recent results are even more favorable (yes, it's still up today, May 5th).

This MSNBC poll shows one or two things that nobody in the Liberty Movement would have xpected this early on:

1. Americans are absolutely ready for Ron Paul’s message of Liberty under a small, non- intrusive government that doesn’t meddle in other countries’ affairs.

2. American conservatives - yes, even Republicans - are no longer mouthpieces of the neocon media’s talking points. They can actually think for themselves and even ignore attempts to ignore Ron Paul during the post-debate “analysis” stage of the carrying network Who would have thought?

If you search Google News for “Ron Paul debate” you, finally, get this:

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Alex Wallenwein, is a grass-roots activist for the rule of law and American liberty.

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Press Ignores Paul GOP-Debate Win




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