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Enlightenment Tipping Point

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What if there were 1,000,000 Enlightened Beings in the World?
What if 1,000,000 people declared their recognition of the Absolute and dedicated themselves to the Awakening of all of humanity?
What if...... ?

It appears that we are at something of a crossroads. To some, it seems that we are virtually on the edge of an abyss, about to topple over into darkness and oblivion.

And yet, a great Truth is also rising. There are more and more people coming to a deep recognition of who they are as spiritual beings, as Consciousness itself. Millions of people around the world are inquiring deeply into the nature of Reality, into their own truth as Pure Awareness, into the Infinite Presence of Being.
Amidst the darkness, people are WAKING UP.

Teachers of spirituality and truth (of which there are thousands around the world in ALL traditions) are seeing that there is something of a global dark night of the soul, a period of introspection, and even depression, from which humanity is awakening to a new Reality, a new compassion, a new commitment to Enlightened Living.

The brilliant architect and visionary, Buckminster Fuller said, "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete."

And Mahatma Gandhi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world."

"One Million Awake" is dedicated to helping to create this change... to assist, nurture and document the awakening and compassionate commitment of 1,000,000 enlightened beings in the world. It is a non-profit organization offering people a chance to simply let us know (by sending an email) that either: "I AM" awake or "I DO" commit to the awakening of myself and humanity. And the very idea of One Million Awake is to spread the possibility of an Awakening Humanity. Each time an individual considers the concept of being Enlightened, or of an Enlightened Civilization, it affects the whole. We all move one step closer to that Reality.

The Vision of One Million Awake

Our Vision is to threefold:

1. To document and identify (via email) 1,000,000 people who are willing to declare their Awakening or their commitment to Awakening,

2. To give permission to people to recognize and declare their recognition of Awakening, and

3. To unlimitedly expand the idea of 1,000,000 Enlightened Beings around the world...allowing this idea to sink deeply into Awareness, creating and expanding the possibility within the minds of everyone, the possibility, plausibility, and inevitability of an Enlightened civilization. To create a tipping point that will actually result in an Enlightened Humanity!

It is our hope, our prayer, that you will assist in this endeavor, first, by visiting our website www.OneMillionAwake.com and sending us your email of "I AM" or "I DO" and also by sharing this idea with others. If you have a website, considering putting a link to www.OneMillionAwake.com. Send this email to friends, to the press, or other organizations that you think could make a difference. Enlightenment does not need to be something that only the few achieve. We CAN create a 'tipping point,' a hundredth monkey, an Enlightenment wave that will spread across the planet (and perhaps beyond).

With Infinite Love and Gratitude,

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Aja is the Director of the Atma Institute, dedicated to the exploration and recognition of Consciousness, and Founder of www.OneMillionAwake.com, a website dedicated to fostering and documenting the Awakening of 1,000,000 Enlightened Beings in the (more...)
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