(Image by (From Wikimedia) User:Mdf, Author: User:Mdf) Details Source DMCA
Wild Bird fund is a pretty amazing and unique organization. It is a licensed rehabilitator of wild birds located in New York City, on Manhattan's Upper West Side. While that may sound like a strange location to have a wild bird rehabilitator, it isn't if one considers that out of the 5major classes of vertebrates, birds are the ones who adapt to urban areas the easiest. New York's City (and other large cities) has a lot more birds than pigeons. New York has blue jays, herons, egrets, crows, ducks, geese, swans, monk parrots, owls, hawks, robins, cardinals, mockingbirds, and many others.
So when people find an injured or sick bird, they take it to the Wild Bird Fund. After examination the bird and doing an initial assessment, they advise on whether the bird can be helped at home or if it needs medical or professional attention at the Wild Bird Fund. Anyone who finds an injured or ill bird in NYC or who wishes to get further involve should visit the Wild Bird Fund's website, and either e-mail them, call them, or visit them.