Do you remember the period, during President Obama's administration, when former Vice President Cheney was accusing the new president of conducting a foreign policy based on weakness and conciliation, a foreign policy guaranteed to result in more terrorist attacks on the United States? Granted, Cheney's smears were part of a campaign to rehabilitate the Bush/Cheney regime and prompt Americans to forget that the worst terrorist attack in American history occurred during their "watch" -- as well as to forget that Bush and Cheney had left office without capturing the leader of that attack, Osama bin Laden.
Do you remember when the Bush/Cheney regime pulled resources out of Afghanistan -- thus hamstringing its very attempt to capture bin Laden -- in order to prepare for its illegal, immoral invasion of Iraq? Remember, the February 19, 2002 conversation that General Tommy Franks had with Senator Bob Graham? "Senator, we are not engaged in a war in Afghanistan" because "military and intelligence personnel are being redeployed to prepare for an action in Iraq." [Graham, Intelligence Matters p. 125] Do you remember all the false assertions made by the Bush/Cheney regime -- and rotten neoconservatives inside and outside that regime -- about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and ties to al Qaeda?
I ask you, "Do you remember?" because these are the bums, who countenanced illegal torture, waged an illegal war, killed tens of thousands -- if not hundreds of thousands -- of innocent Iraqis, precipitated a wave of terrorist strikes around the world and caused much of the world to despise the United States.
Now, move closer to the present day. Do you remember all the "birthers," those menacingly stupid, racist and bogus "patriots," who questioned whether President Obama was born in the United States? Remember, just last week, a buffoon and learned ignoramus, Donald Trump, was capturing the attention of our sensationalistic news media, by mouthing gibberish about President Obama's birth certificate? See . These are the political scum -- if you will, the political "white trash" -- of America, who have attempted to bring down our first black president, mainly because he is black. Fortunately for America, they've failed in their attempts to impede his good work.
Finally, not to put too fine a point upon it, but -- as a person who graduated from Columbia University and Harvard's Law School (after attaining the prestigious position as head of its law review), who taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago, who was elected to the Illinois legislature before becoming a U.S. Senator, who is the author of two books (one of them highly acclaimed), who is a decent and loving husband and father, who was overwhelmingly elected President of the United States and then applied his leadership skills to avoid an economic depression, to make health care reform the law of the land and, finally, to plan the trapping and killing of Osama bin Laden, thus bringing the world's most notorious terrorist to justice -- hasn't President Obama already distinguished himself as one of the greatest men this country has to offer?
Wouldn't we all be proud to possess such a resume?
What say ye, bum and scum, today?