Here we go from one source: We need to boycott Wal-Mart "in recognition of the power of individuals in situations where governments have chosen to, or are unable to, influence companies that exploit children and/or violate basic human rights of their workers." What! The government of the world's most powerful, make that most menacing nation by ten-fold, is "unable" to "influence companies that exploit children" and "violate basic human rights"? C'mon, give us a break! Just point to these miscreants and we'll drone 'em! Or yet more drastic (?), clean up our wretched political house, evict the greed masters, enact and enforce effective laws, stop the partisan shadow boxing, and spare our intelligence the affront of this bullshit.
The proposed Wal-Mart (variously known as Wally-World or simply Wally) boycott is another example of the outrageous strategic albeit pathetic nonsense that comes out of the Dimocrats' jazzy little "meet-ups." Of course people will, no, must stretch their resources as much as possible, and when someone is struggling to keep abreast an escalating rigged mortgage payment, can't afford American-style medical bills, is foregoing needed dental care, couldn't find school clothes that fit the kids at the re-sale shop -- of course that person needs to seek out the cheapest margarine, apple butter, factory pre-ground meat, sneakers for the kids, etc that Mama can find -- Voila! Wally-World! And thank God we have it.
But Wally doesn't piss me off. What pisses me off is the desperate necessity for Wally. When Mama is up against the realities of the family budget vs the limited resources of the current minimum wage and the depression of all labor income it influences, she has no time for talk of Countervailing Economic Theory, Pareto Efficiency, Keynesian Equilibrium and such. What Mama's got to do is somehow put food on the table and keep the kids in shoes! Yes, her circumstances, as with the circumstances of increasing millions like her, desperately require Wally. And of course any Dimocrat nonsense about boycotting Wally goes beyond reality and on into the supreme obfuscation of partisan bullshit that the real beast is from the other party, that their own wretched choice is "lesser-evil," and that Wally is bad because it plays the system -- under the rules of a Democrat administration -- better than the other retail guys whom Mama can't afford.
Wally is just another -- well, apparently more efficient and better managed, certainly more profitable -- example of American corporatocracy. It's better at exploiting what our laws and controls permit, and in fact encourage, such as the importation of product from foreign sweatshops with slavish wage rates, unreasonably low U.S. tariff rates, corporate tax exemption on foreign profits, the low American minimum wage as the basis of their own workforce scale, the current lack of reasonable anti-trust provisions and enforcement by our government, and other advantages typically today wrought between our elected politicos and the usual greed interests -- advantages that are beyond the reasonable grasp of any honest mere citizen.
Summarizing: Wal-Mart will not be effectively boycotted because we (i.e. a couple of hundred million Americans) can't afford the higher priced alternatives without damage to our kids' lunch fare and sneaker budget. But there is help that could work from elsewhere, such as decent tariff laws and their enforcement, a decent minimum wage, single-payer medical care, etc -- but none of that now to be offered by history's biggest scam government, its treacherous masters, and its bifurcated partisan dimwits, each side claiming the "lesser-evil" image in the political house-of-horrors mirror.
Wal-Mart will indeed continue its advantage until the political cancer now metastasizing in our government bears honest diagnosis and effective treatment. Wal-Mart will continue because "we the people" need it, boycott be damned. The only honest and effective correction is to cleanse a putrid government -- of both partisan perversions -- from the people's house and to criminalize the rewards of political bribery. And yes, the partisanistas can indeed help by insisting on the necessary fumigation while bannering the real issues and sparing us the deflections of such bullshit as a Wal-Mart boycott.
The last time I voiced support of decent governance after eight years of Republican maladministration only to be followed by three and a half years of the same by Democrats, I was publicly labeled as a "Secret Agent for Romney." I now await the alarm to beware this "Secret Agent for Wal-Mart." But I do apologize to Pogo for altering his yet desperately needed but perversely unheeded alarm line.
Leaving behind a treacherous government now addicted to perpetual war, its limitlessly greedy and power-lusting masters, as well as the retarded albeit smirky Republicans and their evermore clonish Democrat colleagues, a braindead electorate (