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General News    H3'ed 11/17/10

Voting News: Bridgeport CT refuses election audit. Recounts everywhere, what are the laws?

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Message Joyce McCloy
AP news says Murkowski won Alaska Senate Race.Miller did not concede..The Connecticut county with too few ballots - "Bridgeport Embarrasses Itself Once Again, Refusing to be Audited"...Will California ever finish counting absentee ballots?..Who Stole Election Day? (Early voting)...Machine recounts in NC 2nd CD. Election fraud charged in Madison,Yancey Co NC..Photo ID proposed in OK and TX, plans to propose in NC, with LWV filing suit in Oklahoma...Cuomo Seeks Expedited Senate Recount...

All this and more in today's voting news below...

State Recount Laws Searchable Database:

AK: Murkowski emerges as winner in Alaska Senate race
Sen. Lisa Murkowski on Wednesday became the first Senate candidate in more than 50 years to win a write-in campaign..
Murkowski has a lead of 10,400 votes, a total that includes 8,153 ballots in which Miller observers challenged over things like misspellings, extra words or legibility issues.

AK: State to provide Miller with voter rolls
The state will provide GOP nominee Joe Miller with voter rolls his campaign requested to ensure there was no voter fraud or irregularities in the Alaska Senate race.

AK: Senator leads; Miller wants hand recount
BUT HANG ON: Miller team, citing "suspect" computer system, wants entire election recounted by hand http://www.adn.com/2010/11/16/1557873/murkowskis-lead-more-than-10000.html

AK: Judge denies AFN in election lawsuit
A federal court judge has denied a request by the Alaska Federation of Natives to intervene in the write-in election lawsuit brought by U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller.

AL: Election officials plan recount for Jefferson County Circuit Court Place 20 judicial racehttp://blog.al.com/spotnews/2010/11/election_officials_plan_recoun.html

AL: Alabama: Vendor Supplies Pencils for Marking Ballots (Trust the Vote Commentary)
I guess that what Etowah County deserves, but does not have today, is a voting system with optical scanners that are "functionally compatible" with a "marking device" that local election officials can easily buy by the hundred dozen at a local store.

AR: Benton County OKs Election Changes
http://www.nwaonline.com/news/2010/nov/17/benton-county-oks-election-changes/ ...which would eliminate sending information and material back and forth between Bentonville and Omaha, Neb..

CA: Vote count tight, messy in California attorney general race

CA: Registrar of voters continues count of remaining absentees, work on election certification http://lakeconews.com/content/view/16964/919 Still being counted are 4,500 vote by mail ballots turned in between Oct. 29 and Nov. 2. Of those, 1,834 were turned in on election day, Fridley said.

CA: City, county, state votes still being counted
http://www.willitsnews.com/ci_16637892 While several Mendocino County candidates are still waiting for votes to be counted, the statewide contest for attorney general also remains to close to call. As of noon, November 16, there were 774,065 votes left to be counted statewide, and Kamala Harris was leading Steve Cooley by only 18,064 votes.
There were only 12 counties that have completed counting votes.

CA: Riverside County names acting registrar of voters
Luna appointed Chief Deputy Registrar Rebecca Spencer to the post.

CA: Reilly and Kelly concede D2 and D10 races
For Reilly, the disappointment was sharpened by the knowledge that she received more first-place votes than any other D2 candidate.
"In my own race, an independent expenditure committee armed with $230,000 leveled an 11th-hour smear campaign against me," Reilly noted...

CO: Overvotes the latest wrinkle in House District 61 race
Now that the undervotes are almost tallied in the House District 61 race, the contest between Roger Wilson and Kathleen Curry could come down to overvotes.
Kathleen Curry

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Editor of the Voting News. The Voting News is a free national newsletter about election integrity issues, voting machines, election fraud, voter access and legislation in United States and international news.

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