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General News    H2'ed 7/17/12

The Troika Takes Two More Victims; the Coup Regime sells off Greek Property

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Linda Ross
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By greydogg and snake arbusto, 99GetSmart

StopCartel TV broadcasts live from Athens, Greece AT A NEW TIME " weeknights @ 6pm Athens time. The following post is a loose transcript of the July 16, 2012 broadcast.

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- Two more suicides were reported in Greece on Monday. In the city of Lamia in central Greece, a 64-year-old retired radiologist jumped to his death from the windowsill of the city's main hospital. Despite the combined efforts of his family, the hospital staff and a police negotiator, who for over two hours tried to convince him not to take his own life, he jumped, dying instantly. It was reported that he had not received a pension since he filed his retirement papers six months ago and suffered from dire financial problems.

And, on the island of Crete, a businessman hanged himself due to economic difficulties.

So the Troika and its failed austerity policies have taken two more victims.


- On Wednesday, the Troika called for an additional 14.5 billion euros in austerity measures for Greece, to be imposed within the next three years.


- Taking their marching orders from the Troika, the political predators of New Democracy, PASOK, and Tourism Services, who have controlled Greece since the last election fraud, have announced that Greece is FOR SALE. The government-of-the-regime estimates a total of 6.9 billion in total assets will be privatized.

This ruthless and illegal coup plans to literally sell profitable public property, owned and paid for by the Greek People for decades, for prices that have no relation to reality.

It's unbelievable, but true. In an official document, the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund or TAIPED, who are tasked with the process of privatization by the Troika, has assessed that the state property will be sold for only 6.9 billion.

Further outrage! The sell off of the public's profitable assets will not contribute to or in any way relieve the Greek People from the burden of debt.

TAIPED is the liaison between the buyers and sellers of public property. According to official documents, TAIPED has pegged the price of public assets to current market prices for listed companies and offers submitted by prospective suitors for different companies or public property.

According to TAIPED, the property prices for Greece's public assets are:

- The PPC (electric company) not more than 350 million euros

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Linda Ross aka greydogg is a blogger at 99GetSmart
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